Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, May 25, 1994                   TAG: 9405250039
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: MANCHESTER, KY.                                LENGTH: Short


Frank E. Pennington of Vinton, who escaped from a minimum security federal prison camp last week, was recaptured Monday in Tennessee.

Pennington, 54, and Walter M. Cook, 31, of Vanceburg, Ky., walked away from the camp in southeastern Kentucky on May 17. Cook also was recaptured Monday.

Spokesman Don Roerick of the Federal Correctional Institution at Manchester said the two men were picked up in Lawrenceburg, Tenn., about an hour south of Nashville near the Alabama line.

They were arrested in the early evening by Davy Crockett State Park rangers, said Lawrenceburg police Lt. Clay Webster.

"The park rangers had observed these fellows loitering in the park area all day long ... apparently with no recreational purpose to be out there," Webster said. He said the rangers checked the men's license plate and found their car was stolen.

Roerick said the two were being held in the Lawrence County (Tenn.) Jail awaiting the arrival of officers from U.S. Marshal's Service.

Pennington - convicted in Roanoke federal court in 1991 - was serving 90 months for conspiracy to possess and distribute marijuana and cocaine across state lines and had a projected release date of Feb. 1, 1998, Roerick said. He said Cook was serving 37 months for transporting stolen goods in Tennessee and could have been released Sept. 20, 1995.

- Associated Press

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