Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 2, 1994                   TAG: 9406020213
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: E-14   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


MILTON A. WILLIAMS, a new bishop will preside at the 84th session of the East Tennessee and Virginia Conference when it meets June 13-19 at Price Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 506 15th St. N.W.

The bishop's wife, the Rev. Lula G. Williams, is the missionary supervisor of the Fifth Episcopal District. Besides churches in the two adjoining states, the conference includes those in the Philadelphia and Baltimore areas as well as in India and in the British Isles.

The daily services for the delegates are open to the public. Williams will preach at the final Sunday morning service. The service will be followed by a musical program, memorial recognition and the reading of appointments to churches in the conference.

Call 345-9203 for program details.

\ A FAREWELL RECEPTION for the Rev. James Parke is scheduled Sunday from 1:30 to 5 p.m. at Holiday Inn/Tanglewood. Parke, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Salem for a decade and host of a radio talk show, has been transferred to Ascension Catholic Church of Virginia Beach. His successor will be the Rev. Gregory Kandt, who begins work Monday.

\ NICOLE RILEY, president of the Baptist Student Union at Roanoke College, has been elected president of the BSU on the state level for the next year. Susan Walters is the volunteer Baptist campus minister at the Roanoke College.

\ THE PASTORAL COUNSELING CENTER, an ecumenical ministry based at Second Presbyterian Church of Roanoke, has named Lillian Hagan chairman of its board. Other officers include: the Rev. Dwayne Westermann, pastor of College Lutheran Church in Salem, vice chairman; Ira Peters, treasurer; and George Kegley, secretary. The Rev. Leo Howard, who has directed the center since its opening 20 years ago, continues in his position of family counseling.

\ DR. WILLIAM A. FINTEL, a Salem cancer specialist and co-author of a book on physical and spiritual aspects of the disease, will speak June 19 at the 10 a.m. service at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 1201 Hardy Road, Vinton. Fintel and his colleague, Gerald McDermott of the Roanoke College faculty, have received national attention for "Living With Cancer" since its publication a year ago.

\ MINERAL SPRINGS BAPTIST CHURCH, near Vinton, has approved plans for sending a team of mission workers to the Caribbean island of Antigua Sept. 9-17. The group expects to work in the city of St. Johns, where Southern Baptist work was established 25 years ago. Many destitute Haitians have fled to Antigua from oppression in their own country nearby.

\ JOHN "BIG" TINSLEY was recently honored by the members of Vinton Baptist Church for his 52 years of Sunday school teaching. Tinsley taught a boys' class for 32 years, and for the past 20 years, has taught a men's class.

Deadline for religion briefs for Neighbors is Thursday. Material must be delivered to Neighbors Religion Briefs, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon in order to run in the following Thursday edition.

 by CNB