Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 2, 1994                   TAG: 9406030046
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: W-10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


RVRC president wins awards at conference

Sharlene S. Price, president of the Roanoke Valley Reading Council, recently received several awards at the International Reading Association Conference in Toronto, Canada.

Price was awarded for increasing membership in the local chapter, and for her work with community projects, international projects, the Celebrate Literacy Program and the Young Writer's Project.

The council has more than 800 members from Roanoke, Salem, and the counties of Roanoke, Craig, Botetourt and Franklin.

Postal workers collect for Salem food bank

Salem postal workers recently collected 11 tons of non-perishable food during their second annual drive for the Salem Community Food Bank.

Members of the Salem branch of the National Association of Letter Carriers began the food drive in 1993 when officers of its national group recommended a food drive for local branches wanting to support a charitable project.

The food pantry, at Market and Calhoun Streets, gives food on an emergency basis to low-income people who have been certified by a social service agency.

Child-care centers raise money for MDA

Youngsters at several Roanoke Valley child-care centers recently raised money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Southwest and Central Virginia.

Children at First Union Child Development Center each hopped for two minutes and raised more than $700.

Participants from Raleigh Court Presbyterian preschool raised $722. Lauren Kelley was the top fund-raiser, collecting $161 for the MDA.

Children at 13 YMCA Magic Place Daycare Centers hopped, crawled or did jumping jacks and raised a combined total of $1,348 for the association. Lindsey Clark was the top fund-raiser. Hopping for the Monterey Elementary School Magic Place, she raised $291.

All proceeds from the event will be used to sponsor monthly clinics, summer camps and other patient services for local MDA families.

Hospital aide gets older worker designation

Helen Williamson was recently named the "Older Worker of the Year" at a luncheon sponsored by the LOA Area Agency on Aging.

Williamson, a patient care assistant at Roanoke Memorial Hospital, was nominated by a supervisor, who said Williamson is a positive role model for the hospital.

The nomination also said Williamson, who is 66 and works in the pathology department, "makes the workplace a positive and cheerful environment." Co-workers said she is innovative, creative and helpful and that she encourages others.

Williamson attends Riverdale Baptist Church, where she helps with the nursery and regularly visits nursing homes and members who are shut in.

Regional group honors several for services

Blue Ridge Community Services recently honored three Roanokers and one organization for their services to the Roanoke Valley community.

Harriet Shivers, a Roanoke attorney, received the 1994 Mental Health Award. She is president of the Virginia Guardianship Association and founding board member of On Our Own of Roanoke Inc., a drop-in center for and managed by persons with mental illness.

Charlesetta Paschal and the Down's Syndrome Association of Roanoke received the 1994 Sunshine Award. Paschal has been partner to a mentally retarded woman through the Bridge Builder Program of Blue Ridge Community Services. The association has been a generous contributor of funds to mentally retarded adults learning to live independently.

John Rauck, chief probation and parole officer with the Virginia Department of Corrections, received the 1994 Substance Abuse Award. He has worked closely with Community Services staff in the development and maintenance of the Intensive Outpatient Program.

Rokeva Woman's Club earns district awards

The Rokeva Woman's Club recently received 11 awards at the Blue Ridge district meeting of the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs.

The club received second-place awards in areas of leadership, today's living, health, crime and legislation.

The group also received special emphasis awards in areas of membership, international affairs, fund raising, safety and for their work with the Camp Easter Seal East in Caroline County.

Rokeva also received the Sarah Hendley Attendance award for highest average attendance to a club its size.

The group also installed officers for the coming year. They are: Carol Guilliams, president; Virginia Wallace, first vice president; Dorothy Edwards, second vice president; Doris Sartelle, recording secretary; Anne Scott, corresponding secretary; and Audrey Lindsey, treasurer.

Club member Bernell Rich was elected president of the Blue Ridge district.

 by CNB