Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 3, 1994                   TAG: 9406030071
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


IN YOUR effort to sanitize the introduction of the French abortion pill, RU-486, into this country (May 19 editorial, ``An abortion pill for Americans''), you missed one obvious fact. A person who aborts with RU-486 still has a dead baby on her hands, and it's delivered in the privacy of her own home.

This series of pills can be used up to the ninth week after conception to kill the unborn child. At this stage of development, a baby's heart has already been beating for four to five weeks; toes, fingers and eyes are already formed; and the child is already the size of a woman's thumb.

Hence, I leave you with the grim truth that didn't make it into your editorial: The use of RU-486 equals one dead baby. Imagine for a moment the terror in the face of the woman who just completed the final phase of her do-it-yourself abortion. Due to the deceptive promotion of this abortion method, she expects to see nothing more than a ``bad period.'' Instead, she gazes upon a tiny, precious, fully formed unborn child in her toilet or bed. Visualize this scene.

If you really cared for women, you'd proclaim the truth and spare them the trauma of killing their own children. I'm continually appalled at your fixation with the promotion of killing defenseless, unborn children. Your editorial opinion on this matter is void of any love or charity.



Pause to remember those who served

LET'S PAUSE for a moment and look beyond ourselves, our problems and worries.

Memorial Day has just passed and the 50th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy is just ahead. It's a time to remember those who fought and died for our country. Let's not forget the men and women who took up arms and went off to the battlefield to fight for our freedom and democracy. Though the battle cry may be from a far and distant land, the soldier doesn't question why. His job is to serve, protect and defend. Join me in a moment of silence for those who never returned from that distant shore.

A big thank-you, a firm handshake or maybe even a mighty bear-hug to those who have fought, have served and who do serve in our armed forces today. May God bless them all!



North won't support the status quo

I'M FOR Col. Ollie North! He should have received a hero's medal instead of being castigated by the liberal press and liberal Congress.

He took an oath, as do all who serve in the military, to protect the commander in chief, our president, at all cost, even to the laying down of life for him. This he did with heroic bravery.

So he lied to Congress and the press. Big deal! North merely out-lied the biggest liars on this planet - Congress and the press. And when this happened, those liberals had a complete meltdown.

I want to see a real change in Washington. And if Virginia voters want the same, they should vote for North. If they want the status quo, then vote for liberals who are destroying every facet of the good, honest American way of life. Who thinks character isn't important and that voters are too stupid to care?

Wake up, Virginia. Vote for North, as the first step in taking our state and country back from the ultraleft.



Can Clinton speak for duty and honor?

IN A PERIOD of eight days, our country will have honored our dead on Memorial Day and observed the 50th anniversary of D-Day, to commemorate the supreme sacrifice of our husbands, fathers, sons and other loved ones.

Once, there were very few homes in this country that didn't proudly display blue stars in windows indicating a family member in the military service. Tragically, in many cases, it was replaced by a gold star, indicating death.

We may not have been the smartest generation in our country's history, but we did excel in patriotism, duty and honor. On that score, I'm proud that the last superpower will have such a prominent role at Normandy's festivities on June 6 and that so many survivors of the invasion will participate in France. I'm proud to see how the graves are so well-maintained by government. Tears well in my eyes every time I see pictures of the rows of crosses and stars of David. I'm proud of my country and of the office of the presidency.

I'm not proud that the world's most famous draft dodger will represent us at Normandy. Realizing that he must be there, I wonder what thoughts will go through the minds of all present at the ceremonies when he talks about the supreme sacrifice paid by our loved ones. With his popularity ratings sinking, be prepared for a public-relations photo-op to top all.

Any of our living past presidents might represent us with dignity and honor. Instead, we shall again be treated to an agonizing display of arrogance and hypocrisy.

God bless our armed forces, surviving veterans, our great country, Congress and the office of the president.



 by CNB