Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 3, 1994                   TAG: 9406030129
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Police in Roanoke County and Roanoke are investigating a string of burglaries at businesses over the past two weeks.

Four businesses in North Roanoke County and three in Roanoke have been burglarized. Police are linking the incidents because in each case the suspects entered the buildings through an unsecured roof hatch or air-conditioning duct. Cash and food were stolen.

The most recent case occurred late Wednesday or early Thursday at Dairymen Inc., 7545 Milk-A-Way Drive. The thieves entered through an open roof hatch, took some cash and attempted to take two delivery trucks from the milk-processing plant, said Roanoke County Detective Rick Moorer.

The same night, a pickup truck was taken from a nearby residence. It was found Thursday hanging from a concrete embankment at Hollins Stockyard in Botetourt County.

"We'd like area businesses to be aware that burglars aren't just smashing windows and doors to get into places," Moorer said. "We're asking business owners to keep their eyes open and to secure their businesses."

El Puerto at 5436 Williamson Road was broken into May 27 or 28. Beer bottles and glasses were smashed, the only incident in which property damage was reported.

The Peking Duck, 7650 Williamson Road, and the Firearms Emporium, 6711 Williamson Road, also were burglarized at an unspecified time. Nothing was taken from the Firearms Emporium because a burglar alarm was set off, Moorer said.

Police would not give the names of the businesses in Roanoke that have been burglarized, but said that no cash was taken from them.

On May 16 about 25 bags of potato chips were taken from a pizza restaurant on Brambleton Avenue Southwest. The same night an audio-sound store on Williamson Road Northwest was broken into. On May 23 a restaurant on Orange Avenue Northeast was burglarized.

 by CNB