Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 7, 1994                   TAG: 9406080016
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 2   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Ian Spelling
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Was Gene Roddenberry a saint or a sinner - or a bit of both? How did ``Star Trek'' really come to be?

The answers to these and other questions can be found in the 600-plus pages of the newly published ``Star Trek Creator: The Authorized Biography of Gene Roddenberry,'' by David Alexander (ROC; $23.95).

``For the first time in print, there is a truly accurate history of the development of `Star Trek,''' Alexander, Roddenberry's hand-picked biographer, says by phone from his Los Angeles home.

``I cover everything from Gene's concept inspiration to selecting the cast to his battles with the network (NBC) over censorship and renewal.

``I also talk about his amphetamine and cocaine use, his drinking and womanizing.''

Other topics include Roddenberry's development of ``Next Generation,'' his being squeezed out of the making of the ``Trek''-classic film series, his pre-and post-``Trek'' writing endeavors, his childhood and his early stints as a pilot and a policeman.

Alexander, 50, first met Roddenberry at a 1976 Los Angeles ``Trek'' convention, after which they shared a round of drinks.

The two didn't see each other again, until 1991, when Roddenberry was a guest at a ceremony in which Alexander was being named editor of The Humanist magazine.

Shortly after taking over as editor, Alexander, published a 28,000-word interview with Roddenberry.

At about that time, the ``Star Trek'' creator asked Alexander to assist him in writing his memoirs. When Roddenberry died on Oct. 23, 1991, he left the completion of the project in Alexander's hands.

The author built his work, in part, on a foundation of interviews with Roddenberry and his friends and associates - not all of whom offered flattering comments.

In addition, Roddenberry's widow, Majel Barrett, made her husband's treasure trove of archival material - including private letters, contracts, annotated scripts and story outlines - available to Alexander.

``Even though I didn't know Majel well at that time, I'd been chosen by Gene and trusted by him,'' he says. ``That was more than enough for her.''

The author says his access to primary source material is what makes his book different from another recently published biography, ``Gene Roddenberry: The Myth behind `Star Trek''' by Joel Engel (Hyperion; $22.95).

Alexander believes he has delivered a realistic, honest biography of a colorful, often self-effacing, frequently egocentric man who stepped on other people's toes, rarely justified his actions and dared to dream.

``Gene told me to write warts and all, so I wrote warts and all,'' says Alexander, whose next project will be the completion of Roddenberry's unfinished ``Trek''-classic novel, ``The Good Thing.''

``He was much more than just the guy who created `Star Trek.' I talk about Gene the human, how he beat his problems at the end and how, much to our benefit, he was creature of his own creation.

``I think Gene would be quite pleased with the book.''

Trek specs

Alan Ruck, Matthew Broderick's best friend in ``Ferris Bueller's Day Off'' (1986), will appear in ``Generations.'' ... All those rumors circulating in March, April and early May about William Shatner and Patrick Stewart not getting along on the ``Generations'' set were absolutely untrue. The two didn't even work together until May 24, when they filmed their first scene together. ... A first draft of the ``Voyager'' pilot has been completed, and casting sessions for the next ``Trek'' series could begin as early as the first week of July, reports executive producer Rick Berman. ... Crown is publishing ``All I Really Need to Know I Learned from Watching `Star Trek''' by David Marinaccio.

Con calendar

(June 17-19)

Atlanta Fantasy Fair at the Crown Plaza/Ravinia in Atlanta. Call (404) 395-7700.

Vulkon at the Orlando (Fla.) North Hilton, featuring Leonard Nimoy. (305) 434-6060.

Creation at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, featuring Jonathan Frakes (June 18-19 only). (818-409-0960.

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