Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, June 8, 1994                   TAG: 9406080062
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: New River Valley Bureau
DATELINE: WYTHEVILLE                                LENGTH: Short


Circuit Judge Willis Woods was moved to a North Carolina hospital Monday after he suffered a heart attack over the weekend.

The 27th Judicial Circuit judge holds court in Wythe, Grayson and Bland counties. The Virginia Supreme Court has been asked to designate a substitute judge until Woods is able to return to the bench.

Woods suffered the attack Friday night and was taken to Wythe County Community Hospital. He was transferred Monday to Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem, N.C., because his heart specialist is located there.

The circuit covers the counties of Wythe, Bland, Grayson, Carroll, Pulaski, Giles, Montgomery and Floyd, and the cities of Galax and Radford. Its other judges are Duane Mink of Radford and A. Dow Owens of Pulaski.

Owens is retiring at the end of June. Colin Gibb of Giles County has been named to succeed him.

Another judge, Ray Grubbs, was appointed to succeed Judge Kenneth Devore of Radford when he retired in February.

Before his appointment as judge, Woods was a Wytheville lawyer and was active in Democratic Party politics.

 by CNB