Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 9, 1994                   TAG: 9406090011
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: STATE 
DATELINE: MARTINSVILLE                                LENGTH: Medium


Mike Harris put an end to the soccer dream for Marstinville High School Wednesday night.

The Tabb senior stopper scored after a scramble in front of the net after a throw in by Eric Johsnon with 12 minutes, 11 seconds, left in the match.

The Tigers defense made the lone goal stand up as they claimed Group AA state soccer championship title with a 1-0 victory over the Bulldogs.

The victory gave Tabb (14-7-1), a perennial soccer power, its first state title.

The loss ends a remarkable run for the Bulldogs (15-5-1). Making their first tournament appearance since 1989, Martsinville defeated previously unbeaten Blakcsburg and William Byrd to reach the final.

"Donald Hoock set a screen and the goal keeper [Todd Johnson] couldn't see me," soid Harris.

Martsinville had several chances to tie the match but could never get a shot to go into the net.

The Bulldogs' best chance to knot the score came with just under six minuates to play. After a throw in deep in the Tabb zone, Matthew Durand had shot from 10 yards out. But it went high over the goal.

And just before time expired, Johnson - who had moved from goal to forward with seven minutes left - shot from the right side of the net on target but high.

Neither team scored in the first half. Tabb mounted offensive pressure early in the half. The Tigers' best chance came on an indirect free kick just five minutes into the match. But Jason Van Sice's effort bounced off the wall and out of bounds.

As the period went on, the Bulldogs offense started to get its chances. Once they had Tabb goal keeper Tom Butler out of position but they could not get a shot on goal.

Another time, the Bulldogs appeared to score on a header by Marty Martin with about five minutes left in the half. But the corner kick by Wes Lewis had gone out of bounds in the air en route to the goal mouth.

The offensive pressure resulted in Martinsville outshooting the Tigers 5-3. Durand had three shots for the Bulldogs. Two of them were just in front of the goal but one went high and goal keeper Tom Butler stopped the other shot.

"I had some chances early and I missed them," said Duarnd, a senior. "We had our chances but we couldn't get the ball in the net. And that corner kick killed us. He [the lineman] saw it one way and we saw it another way."

Memo: NOTE: Shorter version ran in Metro edition.

by CNB