Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 10, 1994                   TAG: 9406170076
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A-17   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: CHARLESTON, S.C.                                LENGTH: Short


Purchasing managers in the Carolinas and Virginia say their regional economic index has dipped for the third straight month.

Exports are up, however, and manufacturing activity remains strong, the Carolinas-Virginia chapter of the National Association of Purchasing Management reported Thursday.

The May index, which is compiled from a survey of purchasing executives in more than 100 industrial companies in the region, was at 58.8 percent, representing the amount of those who feel the economy is improving, down from 59.8 percent in April. The national purchasing manager's index was at 57.7 percent in May.

"Our economic activity is still expanding, but not quite as quickly as earlier in the year when there was almost an explosion of new orders for goods," said Mark Hartley, a College of Charleston business professor who coordinates the survey.

Many businesses contacted in the region still expect continued growth for several months to come, Hartley said.

Many businesses, especially textile and chemical companies, said they were doing more business with Mexico because of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the removal of tariffs, he said.

-Associated Press

 by CNB