Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 17, 1994                   TAG: 9407140008
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Fishing contest

DUBLIN - Fishing enthusiasts, grab your tackle! The ninth annual 1260-J/Claytor Lake State Park Fishing Tournament will be June 25, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. There's no charge to enter.

Registered participants are eligible for prizes, get free admission to the state park and a free boat launch the day of the tournament. Registration cards are available from tournament sponsors, at the state park and at the 1260-J studios on North Franklin Street in Christiansburg.

Participants may enter one of two categories, youth (13 and younger) and adult (14 and older). There are five trophy categor bass, catfish, crappie and sunfish.

There's also a $5,000 reward for catching "Sly Sam," the tagged bass. In addition, treasure bottles found on the lake can be redeemed - along with a bag of trash - for door prizes. Friends of Claytor Lake will help with trash disposal and supply the trash bags. New River Cruise Company will offer participants a free morning cruise on the Pioneer Maid at 10 a.m. The Game Warden will talk on Claytor Lake wildlife at 11 a.m. Call 382-4993.

FFA convention

BLACKSBURG - The Virginia State Future Farmers of America convention is set for June 27-30 on the Virginia Tech campus, where the organization was founded in 1928. More than 1,000 participants are expected to be on hand for the event. Registration will get under way June 27 at 10 a.m. in Pritchard Hall.

Past national FFA officer Marty Coates will be the keynote speaker at the opening session June 27 at 7 p.m. in Squires Student Center auditorium. Race car driver Herme Sadler will speak Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Squires Student Center, Commonwealth Ballroom. The public is welcome to attend. The week culminates June 30 with the installation of state FFA officers for 1994-95. Radford attorney Kendall Clay, a past state FFA president, will address the final gathering. Call Laurie Fannon, 231-6836.

Acting president to speak

RADFORD - The acting president of Radford University, Charles W. Owens, will address faculty and staff members Monday, 4 p.m., in Porterfield Theatre.

Owens said he plans to present "information and announcements regarding the immediate and more-distant future" of Radford University.

New River meeting

BLACKSBURG - The National Committee for the New River will hold an open meeting Tuesday, 7:30-9 p.m., at the Virginia Tech Museum of Natural History, 428 N. Main St.A program on river safety by Dave and Jo-Anne Bogner will be featured, and plans for a Giles County river cleanup on Aug. 13 and the committee's annual meeting July 9 in Shatley Springs, N.C., will be discussed. Call 231-4080.

Humane society meeting

BLACKSBURG - The Humane Society of Montgomery County will meet Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., at the Blacksburg Police Department meeting room, Clay Street and Draper Road. Parking is available in the employee parking lot across Clay Street from the station. Planning for the Christmas-in-July fundraiser will be discussed. Refreshments will be served after the meeting.Call 382-7457 or 382-1166.

Va. 114 meeting

CHRISTIANSBURG - A public meeting to discuss the proposed widening of the Christiansburg portion of Virginia 114 to five lanes will be held Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., at the Belmont Community Center. The meeting will provide a chance for members of the public to express their concerns while the project is in the planning stages. Call Ann Hess at 382-8235.

 by CNB