Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, June 19, 1994                   TAG: 9406190131
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C-11   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE: CALLAWAY                                LENGTH: Medium


Rodney "Six-Pack" Cundiff painted his Thunderbird this week. Saturday night, at Franklin County Speedway, he whitewashed the field.

Cundiff won the 75-lap Late Model Stock Car feature race of the Hoosier Tires 300. It was his eighth win this year.

"If we hadn't won tonight, we would have taken a lot of flak because we painted the car," Cundiff said.

Cundiff recorded his first seven wins with just a coat of primer on his car.

Cundiff's qualifying time (14.64 seconds) was one of his slowest this season, and he started sixth. He advanced to second by lap 10 and took the lead on lap 25.

"It seemed like the more we ran, the better we got tonight," Cundiff said.

Two-time winner Bobby Radford, borrowing Orvil Reedy's car, finished second. Radford's Dodge was severely damaged in a June 11 collision. "It got tore up pretty bad," Radford said.

Steve Lynch finished third, one of his best showings of 1994. Dudley Lawhorn and Lowe Smith placed fourth and fifth, respectively.

In other races Saturday night:

Tommy Dean won the Mini Stock class for the first time this year, interrupting Steve Lam's string of 10 victories. Dean overtook Lam in the final two laps, winning by half of a fender. Chris Martin was awarded second, and Damien Wilson was third.

In addition to his race winnings, Dean collected a $300 bounty.

Although Lam was second across the finish line, he was penalized a lap for reckless driving on pit road after the race. The penalty dropped Lam to sixth place.

Pole-sitter Gary Joyce led through lap 18, when he and Lam touched, spinning Joyce into the wall. Joyce placed fifth.

Jay Peery took his third race of the year in Pure Stock competition. Mike Owens and Kevin Ransom placed second and third, respectively.

Mike Elkins, who had not raced at FCS since Memorial Day, prevailed in the Street Stock race. Points leader Mike Dudley and 1993 champion Phillip VanDerVeer finished second and third, respectively.

Travis Sharpe was the Rookie winner for the fifth time in 1994. Mike Roberts finished second, moving into second in the points race. Chad Hodges was third.

Tommy Hall won the Any Car nightcap.

 by CNB