Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, June 21, 1994                   TAG: 9406290007
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: ABINGDON                                 LENGTH: Short


A new adaptation of a comedy that proved popular in Paris, Berlin and other European cities opens Wednesday at Barter Theatre.

"Deja Vu" was translated from the Briccaire and Lasaygues original by John MacNicholas. Richard Rose, Barter's artistic director, is negotiating to take the Barter production to New York.

Rose said that redings of the play at Barter last year have led to productions of it in Australia, a year-long run in Minnesota, and two other English language productions.

"It artfully pokes fun at some interesting things that are happening in America right now, regarding human sexuality in political and military life," he said.

The Barter play features a cast of Broadway actors including Dennis Creaghan, Edmund C. Davys, Jill Geddes, Carol Monferdini and Nicholas Piper.

Reservations and performance information are available by calling 1-800-368-3240.

Creaghan, who appeared in Barter's "The Little Foxes" this season, appeared on Broadway in "The Elephant Man." Davys' credits include "Saint Joan," "Show Off," "Shadowlands,'' ``Crucifer of Blood'' and ``A Small Family Business.''

Geddes played leading roles in national tours of ``Les Miserables,'' ``Into the Woods'' and ``Evita.'' Monferdini stood in for Diana Rigg in the Broadway production of ``The Misanthrope'' and won an Obie Award for her performance in ``The Club.''

 by CNB