Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 23, 1994                   TAG: 9406280016
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Catholic bishops OK altar girls

The nation's Roman Catholic bishops want girls to step up to the altar - and assist priests at Mass.

Clearing the way for the widespread use of altar girls in the 59-million-member church, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops endorsed a Vatican ruling allowing both sexes to serve at the altar, it was announced Wednesday.

In April, the Vatican announced that girls would be allowed to serve as altar servers, but the final decision was left up to local bishops ``after hearing the opinion'' of their national bishops' conferences. The motion to endorse the change was overwhelmingly approved on a voice vote, the conference announced.

- Associated Press

N.C. to Disney: We would welcome you

RALEIGH, N.C. - North Carolina's economic development officials say if Virginia doesn't want the Disney's America theme park - or if Disney decides it doesn't want Virginia - they are ready to do business.

``We would certainly welcome the project in North Carolina,'' said Watts Carr, the state's top business recruiter with the North Carolina Department of Commerce. ``If they chose not to go to Virginia because of public outcry, I think North Carolina would be the lead site.''

Carr said he has pinpointed several sites.

North Carolina officials have quietly let Disney know that if the company grows tired of the fussing the Virginia site is causing, North Carolina is open for business. Since January, Carr has made a handful of calls to Disney officials in California and Virginia, telling them about available land in North Carolina.

Carr stepped up his efforts as opposition got more vocal.

- Associated Press

 by CNB