Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 24, 1994                   TAG: 9406290028
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


I WOULD like to address some misinformation regarding a local petition drive instigated by me in Montgomery County recently.

According to the June 21 editorial, ``Supervisors shouldn't be censors,'' my efforts to have the book, ``Daddy's Roommate'' by Michael Willhoite, restricted are just short of unconstitutional.

First of all, my accusers should be aware that I have merely requested that the openly homosexual book be moved from the preschool section of the library to another area, preferably a section consisting of other books containing sexual material that would be better shared with a parent. I am not seeking to ``ban'' the book as was indicated by the previously mentioned editorial. To quote the petition:

``Our purpose is not to censor books, but to act responsibly in the availability of questionable materials to our children.''

According to Virginia Code 18.2-361, involving ``Crimes against nature,'' sodomy is illegal as a Class 6 felony in the state of Virginia, making the message of the book inconsistent with Virginia law.

(I would also like to note a couple of other books published by Alyson Publications: ``Macho Sluts,'' a collection of stories, including one in which a lesbian has sadomasochistic sex with her own 13-year-old daughter; and ``The Age Taboo,'' a book of arguments in favor of sex with children.)

As a citizen, taxpayer and voter of Montgomery County, I have a right to voice concerns about a book that is at the very least controversial, being easily accessible to children without a parent's assistance. I also have the right, along with 1,000 other taxpayers in our county who signed the petition, to see that our local-government facilities, run by our tax dollars, are responsive to reasonable requests by the majority of the citizens of the community. It is also the responsibility of our elected officials to see that the requests of their constituents are met to the best of their ability. That's called representative government.

This is a sensitive issue. However, my intentions have never been to lead a hate campaign against homosexuals. I'm simply a concerned mom who lives in Montgomery County, pays taxes, and believes that working through our democratic form of government is the way to solve differences of opinion. I respect the rights of others to disagree with my views on this issue. In return, I expect the same. That's not what I call intolerance, it's freedom of speech.

Nita McNerlin lives in Blacksburg.

 by CNB