Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 24, 1994                   TAG: 9406290057
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: FINCASTLE                                LENGTH: Medium


A 21-year-old Rockbridge County man was charged Thursday in the abduction and sodomy of two teen-age boys after an informant identified him as a possible suspect.

Isreal Alexander Lovewine of Catawba Street in Glasgow faces two counts of sodomy and two counts of abduction with intent to defile following his arrest by Botetourt County deputies.

Sheriff Reed Kelly said the informant identified Lovewine after seeing a composite computer rendering of the suspect in the Roanoke Times & World-News.

The informant told police that Lovewine resembled the rendering and had a car similar to the one police were seeking. Police were looking for a 1984 Ford EXP with 30-day license tags.

Lovewine was being held on $100,000 bond, Kelly said.

A Catawba teen-ager reported that a man performed oral sex on him after abducting him earlier this month. He and a group of teen-agers were pulled over on Virginia 311 by a man identifying himself as a "Roanoke investigator."

The teen-ager said the phony cop drove him to Cloverdale. There, the man attempted to perform oral sex on him. He stopped when a Botetourt County deputy pulled behind the grocery store where they were parked.

The suspect got out of the vehicle and offered to leave. The deputy, thinking it was a man and his girlfriend, allowed them to leave without further questioning.

The boy, who did not try to alert the officer, was then taken to a dead-end road off U.S. 11 north of Troutville, where he was sodomized.

The man then drove the boy to a service station south of Buchanan, where he gave the boy a quarter to call home. The boy alerted county deputies.

In March, another teen-age boy was abducted in the parking lot of Hechinger's near Valley View Mall in Roanoke by a man who identified himself as a Roanoke police officer.

That teen-ager was taken behind the same Coverdale grocery store, where the man performed oral sex on him.

Kelly said Lovewine, a forklift operator in an industrial plant, never has worked in law enforcement.

Police plan to use swab samples gathered from at least one of the victims in seeking a conviction. Kelly said DNA tests could be used to link the suspect to the crime.

If convicted, Lovewine could face four life terms.

 by CNB