Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, June 26, 1994                   TAG: 9406260027
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


"We chose her for a combination of several things. She is a visionary person, someone who can persuade others to buy into her ideas. She can get others to work together. She has an overriding concern for all of the children. It became apparent that she is concerned about the welfare of every child. I would say these were two of the main reasons we chose her.

Her knowledge of the school system also helped. She came up through the ranks and knows about the schools. I think she can work with the School Board. The chemistry seems right. It was there almost from the beginning."

- Frank Thomas, chairman, Roanoke County School Board

"One of her interests is classroom instruction, and I think that will be one of her priorities. She doesn't shy away from tough issues. I am confident that she will be an excellent superintendent. I have referred some parents who have contacted me to her, and the parents say she is approachable and she follows through on issues and complaints. I am very optimistic with her as superintendent."

- Harry Nickens, Roanoke County supervisor, former School Board member

"She is a bright and creative leader who will continue the tradition of good superintendents like Arnold Burton and Bayes Wilson. She respects the past, but I am sure she will want to leave her imprint. She is a bright, bright person and I am glad to see a woman get [the post]. Many teachers are women, but the superintendents are dominated by men. We have so few women as superintendents [of the 135 superintendents, only nine are women]. I am delighted that Roanoke County selected her."

- Wayne Tripp, Salem school superintendent

"Her strengths are in the instructional, having been an instructional supervisor for 10 years. She relates well to teachers in the classroom. She is cooperative and always willing to listen to concerns. She is also very strong in elementary education, having served as a director of elementary education and an elementary teacher. I think she will make an excellent superintendent."

- Debbie McClure, past president, Roanoke County Education Association

 by CNB