Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, June 26, 1994                   TAG: 9406260143
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C10   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE: CALLAWAY                                LENGTH: Short


Rookie Steve Lynch of Rocky Mount took over the lead on lap 27 of the Pizza Hut 300 at Franklin County Speedway on Saturday night and never looked back.

Lynch, who won the Mini Stock division last season, drove his Chevy Lumina to his first victory in the Late Model Stock division before a packed house of more than 7,600.

Lynch's only serious challenge came from Bobby Radford in a Ford Thunderbird. However, Radford finished third after being passed by Lowe Smith of East Bend, N.C., on lap 99.

Joey Sigmon posted his best finish of the season, fourth. Defending champion Dudley Lawhorn, who led the first 14 laps, was fifth.

In other races Saturday night:

Steve Lam of Blue Ridge beat out Tommy Dean of Rocky Mount to win the Mini Stock race. Jimmy Cox of Boones Mill was third, followed by Rodney Campbell of Roanoke and Damian Wilson of Salem.

In the Rookie division, Chad Hodges of Rocky Mount cruised to victory in a Toyota, leading all 25 laps. Mike Roberts of Roanoke finished second in a Pinto. Roanokers James Hunt and Neil Amos finished second and third, respectively. Stephanie Yates of Floyd was fifth.

Lonnie Foley, driving a Ford Thunderbird, took the lead on lap 7 and earned his third consecutive victory in the Street Stock division. Dale Marlow of Martinsville was second, followed by Bill Bratton of Covington, Skip Bennington of Roanoke and Mike Dudley of Roanoke.


 by CNB