Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, June 27, 1994                   TAG: 9407230003
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


All about bowhunting


If you want to learn more about bowhunting in six hours than you might on your own in six seasons, the place to be is the International Bowhunter Education Program. It is scheduled July 9 at the Sherwood Archers Range near Hanging Rock. The subjects to be covered include everything from choosing equipment to field dressing game.

You need to register ahead of time by sending a $10 deposit to Stephen W. Smith (make the check out to him), 3762 Long Meadow Ave., Roanoke 24017. If you complete the 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. course, you get your money back. Checks must be received by Smith, who is vice president of Sherwood Archers, by Friday. You can contact him at 345-4945.

\ Bikers on their last leg


Just the name, Brush Mountain, tells you it won't be an easy climb. Mountain bikers call it a ``leg burner'' and refer to it as ``The Rush On Brush.'' All the talk is about the last leg of the five-event Mountain Dew-East Coaster Virginia State Championship Mountain Bike Series on July 10.

The course is located northwest of Blacksburg. It follows Poverty Creek road, then diverts part way up Gap Mountain, after which it attacks Brush Mountain. Then comes ``The Beast,'' a high-speed descent back to the creek.

The race begins 11:30 a.m., with registration starting at 8:30 a.m. The staging area is Boley Fields, where there is camping. (Head west from Blacksburg on U.S. 460 for four miles, then left on Jefferson Forest Road 269). Call 774-7933 or 981-1034 for more information.

\ Talking fish and fowl


Fall hunting seasons may seem a long way off, but the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries is scheduled to meet in Richmond July 14 to set the dates and bag limits for the dove, woodcock, snipe and rail seasons. Changes in fishing regulations also will be discussed.

If you have suggestions, the public hearing is set for 9 a.m. at the department's headquarters at 4010 West Broad St. Written input may be addressed to the department at P.O. Box 11104, Richmond 23230-1104.

\ Games to be played


The July 15-17 Commonwealth Games will feature several events of special interest to outdoorsmen, including a couple of new ones: indoor climbing and biathlon. The biathlon will involve running and firearm's marksmanship on the Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club range.

Outdoorsmen also will be able to test their skills in archery, cycling, mountain biking, sailing, shooting and water skiing.

For information on the events, call 343-0987.

Old friend needs help


It has been a tough year for the Appalachian Trail, thanks to a couple of late-winter ice storms.

Now that the downed trees have been removed from the trail, members of the Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club are turning their attention to trail improvement and relocation projects. Work sessions have been planned July 15-17 at Brushy Mountain and July 23-24 at the War Spur. In both cases, members and other volunteers will beef up a summer crew that works out of Konnarock.

If you want to help, maybe as a pay back for some of the fun you've had on the trail, contact Charles Parry in Blacksburg for details at 703-951-1402.

\ A Classic affair


The BASS Masters Classic, sometimes called the World Series of fishing, will be headquartered in Greensboro, N.C., July 28-30, which means this one will be closer to anglers in Western Virginia than any of the past 24. The fishing will take place on High Rock Lake with a daily 3 p.m. weigh-in show at the Greensboro Coliseum. The Classic also features a 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. outdoor equipment show.

Adding to the excitement, the top contender is David Fritts, who counts High Rock as his home lake. Fritts won the Classic last year and the B.A.S.S. Angler of the Year title this year. No fishermen has won both titles the same season, so Fritts is positioned to make history.


 by CNB