Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 30, 1994                   TAG: 9406300100
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Two works by Associate Professor of Art CHARLIE BROUWER are featured in "Across Borders," a sculptural exhibit at the Museum of the Americas in Washington. Two other Brouwer sculptures were included in the Cedar Creed Invitational at Creedmore, N.C. Other Brouwer pieces were exhibited in a group invitational of works in wood at the Jones House Main Gallery, Boone, N.C.

"Capt'n," a painting by Assistant Professor of Art ZENG-LIANG FENG will be featured in "The Face of America: Contemporary Portraits in Watercolor," a traveling exhibit to be shown in New York state and Canada through next May.

CAROLYN A. DICKMAN, assistant professor of educational studies, has received a $49,595 grant from the State Council on Higher Education for her project "Restructuring Science Instruction for Female, Rural and Minority Students."

Associate Professor of Educational Studies JANN JAMES presented a paper at the 13th annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching in Oxford, Ohio. "An Innovative Field-based Teacher Preparation Block Program" explained the block program in place at Radford University. He also presented "Innovation in Teacher Preparation" to the National Center for Alternative Preparation of Teachers in Macon, Ga.

DONALD ANDERSON, professor of counselor education, and ALAN W. FORREST, associate professor, have received a grant of $13,908 from the Blue Ridge Regional Education and Training Council for their project "Career Information in Counseling and Guidance: The Cotter Pin in the Business/Industry Partnership."

Criminal Justice Professor PAUL L. LANG has received a $17,848 grant from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. The university will design and present a course, "Police Supervision Institute: Supervision for Today's Workforce to Meet the Needs of the Future."

JANET HARDY BOETTCHER, associate professor and chairwoman of the School of Nursing, has received a $3,200 grant from Lewis-Gale Hospital for a project, "Lewis-Gale Instruction."

LORI BARFIELD, instructor of geography, and BERND KUENNECKE, chairwoman and professor of geography, have received a $2,000 grant from the U.S. Forest Service. The university, in cooperation with the Forest Service, will conduct an in-depth environmental analysis of the Arnold Valley archaeological site in the Glenwood Ranger District.

JERRY M. KOPF, associate professor of management, has been awarded a $5,000 grant from the Small Business Administration so the university's Small Business Institute can provide counseling to clients.

PAT I. BARRETT and CARL A. STOCKTON, associate professors of physical and health education, have received a $5,000 grant from the Virginia Department of Education to fund class work and in-service training courses on HIV/AIDS and drug prevention. Workshops are scheduled for Tazewell, Wythe and Giles counties among other Southwest Virginia locations.

Sociology and Anthropology Professor MELINDA WAGNER and students ALLISON SUTHERLAND and ERIC LAFERTY presented lectures on popular culture, the mass media and conservative Christian consumer products at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.

MICHAEL CRONIN, speech communication professor and director of the oral communication program, DAVID DOBKINS, chairman and associate professor of speech communication, and GUS ZADER, a graduate student, presented a program at the Southern States Communication Association Convention in Norfolk. Cronin discussed evidence that programs in oral communication produced significant gains on cognitive or performance measures. Dobkins discussed funding and implementation of a 15-station interactive multimedia laboratory, and Zader discussed the team approach necessary to develop interactive multimedia instruction.

PAULA HELEN STANLEY, department of counselor education, presented a workshop, "Celebrating Cultural Diversity: Reaching Minority Youth in Schools," at the 1994 convention of the American Counseling Association in Minneapolis.

ANNA LISA CROOKSHANKS of Christiansburg has been named a library assistant at McConnell Library. She started there as a student assistant in 1987.

BEATRICE O. MARTIN of Christiansburg has been appointed secretary senior in the fashion department. She worked in a similar position at Virginia Tech.

 by CNB