Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 30, 1994                   TAG: 9407010033
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Penn Forest Preschool now registering pupils

Penn Forest Christian Church Preschool is now accepting pupils for the 1994-95 school year.

The sessions, which begin Sept. 6 and continue through the end of May, 1995, are available to 4- and 5-year-olds for $60 a month, and to 3-year-olds for $40 monthly. Children must be toilet-trained and be 3- or 4-years-old by Sept. 30.

A registration fee of $25 is required to reserve a space for fall classes.

For application information, contact the church office in the mornings at 774-2445 or JoEllen Stanley, director, at 774-9381.

\ Roanoker wins valley chess club tournament

Bryan Burke of Roanoke recently won the Roanoke Valley Chess Club Championship.

Burke defeated defending champion Felix McCain of Lynchburg with a score of 4 1/2 points in a five-round swiss.

The next chess competition will be held during the Commonwealth Games of Virginia on July 12 in Roanoke.

\ Magnet school wins foreign study award

The Fleming-Ruffner Magnet Center has been chosen as one of 100 secondary schools nationally to receive the Year of the School Award by the EF Educational Foundation for Foreign Study for 1994.

Ahondryea Brooks, a local representative of the foundation, along with Pierre Diagouraga, Michel Mourou and Manuel Offhaus presented the award at the school's graduation ceremonies. Diagouraga, Mourou and Offhaus were exchange students at the school this year.

William Cleveland, guidance coordinator at the school, was given special recognition for his work with the exchange program. Recipients of the award were selected for showing dedication to the EF Foundation exchange program and the students in that program.

The EF Foundation is a non-profit organization which promotes student exchange by pairing foreign students with host families. For more information on their program call Ahondryea Brooks at 343-2013 or the foundation at 1-800-44-SHARE.

 by CNB