Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, July 1, 1994                   TAG: 9407010049
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


LOIS A. BEEKEN, Christiansburg resident and former director of Inservice Education at Virginia Tech has been named the first recipient of the Lois A. Beeken Distinguished Service Award by the National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

SALLY HARRIS of Christiansburg won second prize Virginia Press Women writing award for short story in the 1994 Communications Contest. Harris is public affairs coordinator for Virginia Tech. LYNNE ANNE NYSTROM of Christiansburg took second for college publication and honorable mentions for annual report and direct mail fund-raising literature. Nystrom is news director for Virginia Tech College of Engineering.

SANDRA GRAHAM MYERS has been named by New River Valley Hospice Inc. to succeed Alison S. Limoges as director of volunteer services. Myers is a native of Pulaski County and was previously director of the Southwest Virginia Chapter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

A painting by Radford resident and artist, Z.L. FENG has been accepted in the Akron Society of Artists' Grand Exhibition 1994, a national juried show, which opens Aug. 14. Feng's painting was one of 73 selected from more than 700 works entered.

S. KELLY MATTINGLY of Blacksburg has been appointed director of Public Works for the town of Blacksburg. Mattingly currently serves as capital outlay project engineer for Virginia Tech Physical Plant. He will begin his duties July 27.

DEANNA C. du PLESSIS daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Peter L. du Plessis of Christiansburg recently competed in the Miss Teen of Virginia Pageant held at Randolph-Macon Women's College, Lynchburg. Deanna was one of the 12 finalists.

EAA Chapter 906 held it Young Eagles Program May 22 at the New River Valley Airport, Dublin. The following youngsters are now YOUNG EAGLES: Cliff Billings, Kathy Billings, Aya Caldwell, Paul Caldwell, Michael Dalton, Yvonne Dalton, Brandy Morgan, Zackery Parker, Roger Steenken and Akiko Yoneyama.

MARY COX of Claytor Lake has been selected in District I as Farmers Home Administration Woman of the Year for 1994. Cox joined the Christiansburg office as county office assistant in 1974.

NANCY STEWART and APRIL DEHART both of Radford raised $150 for the Children's Medical Center Walk-a-thon at Scott Stadium, Charlottesville on June 5. The donations were collected in memory of Kelsey Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jones, Dublin.

BLACKSBURG NEWCOMERS installed officers for the 1994-95 year at their annual luncheon and fashion show May 3. The new officers are: Sheryl Waddington, president; Mary Wolverton, co-vice president; Sarah Brubaker, co-vice president; Elfriede Hartman, historian; Phyllis Quinn, corresponding secretary; Jean Kreamalmeyer, recording secretary; Mildred Johnson, treasurer; Terri Lynn Howard , out-going president and new parliamentarian.

JASON SLAUGHTER of Willis won the Special Memorial High Points Trophy at the Floyd County Volunteer Fire Department's Willis Station No. 2 15th Annual Horse Show, June 5th.

Other winners were: Timm Blackburn, Radford; Crystal Moles, Willis; Corky Duncan, Christiansburg; Tommy Moles, Willis; Renie Gates, Willis; Thomas Parker, Pilot; Melissa Downs, Shawsville; Danielle Hubbard, Willis; Nathan Moles, Willis.

David Yopp, Radford; Earl Moles, Willis; Pamela Griffith, Copper Hill; Ann Snider, Dublin; Kathy Simpkins, Riner; Dwight Simpkins, Christiansburg; Johnathan Hubbard, Willis; Peggy Moles, Willis; Randall Quesenberry, Willis; Pat Brunson, Copper Hill; Ruth Steinberger, Check; Nancy Taylor, Radford.

VIRGINIA P. JOHNSTON of Pulaski is the recipient of the New River Valley Kennel Club's Jane Poulton Humane Award for 1994.

Other winners included: Nancy Templeman of Pembroke received the Outstanding Member Award; Kathy VanDyke of Pilot won the Obedience Handler of the Year; Doreen and Kenneth Anderson of Radford also won an obedience award.

Dianne Graham of Pulaski was awarded the club's Conformation Handler of the Year; Breeder of the Year was awarded to Michele Marini of Blacksburg. Recognition was also given to Sally Steven of Blacksburg and to Sheila Spangler of Pulaski.

FOX TAILS PONY CLUB in Blacksburg has given ratings for D-level members. Those achieving D-1 ratings were Kira Cook, Hannah Foster, Leah McGill, Elizabeth Strawn, Anna Tyson and Kim Warthen. D-2 ratings went to Sydney Gay.

1993 NEW RIVER VALLEY EXTENSION MASTER GARDENERS who recently earned the title of Master Gardeners are: Linda Fiedler, Forrest Fiedler, Connie Hackett, Linda Myers, Susan O'Brien, Ralph Reed, Peggy Stewart, Jo Brown, Hazel Beeler, Dorothy Domermuth, Roger Fithian, Marilyn Grender, Ron Marlowe, Nancy Reed, Katherine Smith and Sara Thorne-Thomsen.

Junior League Big Brothers/Big Sisters of New River Valley held its annual Bowl for Kid's Sake. BRIAN HOWELL was first in most money turned in and received a $50 gift certificate. ANTHONY WILSON was second earning a $25 gift certificate.

Articles by TINA VAUGHN former educator and author of Christiansburg have been published in Learning magazine and in the University of Massachusetts School of Education journal, Equity & Excellence in Education.

DARREN EVERSOLE of Blacksburg exhibited Angus cattle in the 1994 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show in Raleigh, N.C. Darren was one of 164 young Angus breeders.

 by CNB