Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, July 3, 1994                   TAG: 9407020018
SOURCE: compiled by Mary Linn
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Governor's group selects manufacturer

PETER T. COE, president of Aerial Machine & Tool Corp. in Vesta and chairman of the A.L. Philpott Manufacturing Center's industry advisory panel in Martinsville, has been selected by Gov. George Allen to become a member of "Opportunity Virginia," a group of business leaders responsible for formulating a ten-year economic development plan for Virginia. Coe was chosen to help work on specific recommendations for the manufacturing sector.


STEVEN L. FULLERTON and AMY G. RAY have become partners in the Roanoke accounting firm of Brown, Edwards & Co. Fullerton joined the firm in June 1993 after 10 years of public accounting experience with an international accounting firm. Ray joined Brown, Edwards in June 1993 after 11 years of experience in public accounting.


JEFF ADAMS has been appointed vice president of Executone Communications Inc. in Roanoke. He has been with the company for 10 years and has most recently been the operations manager. Executone is a distributor of telecommunications and hospital equipment.


STEVEN CRAIGHEAD has been named assistant vice president of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith stockbrokers in Roanoke. PERRY R. DOWNING has been appointed senior financial consultant with the company.


DRS. J. RICHARD FRAZIER, GEORGE W. LUEDKE, and HIMANSHU S. PATEL have joined the consulting staff of Lewis-Gale Counseling Center in Martinsville, an affiliate of Lewis-Gale Psychiatric Center in Salem. The three psychiatrists will offer psychiatric evaluations, medication management and other services. Frazier is the former medical director of the child and adolescent program at the psychiatric center in Salem. Luedke is medical director of the Salem center's adult program and is clinical assistant professor of behavioral medicine and psychiatry for the University of Virginia. Patel is medical director of the adolescent program at the Salem center.


H. CLARKE "DUKE" CURTIS of Hamlar-Curtis Funeral Home has been named chairman of the United Way of Roanoke Valley's minority leadership enhancement committee. Curtis has been on the committee since it was formed in 1992 and is a member of the United Way board of directors. The committee conducts a program which is designed to increase the representation of African-Americans and other racial minorities on the boards and committees of United Way and other community agencies.

DONNA HOWARD has been named program coordinator of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's child and adult care food program at the Council of Community Services in Roanoke.


The Williamson Road Area Business Association Inc. has elected officers and directors for 1994-95: GENE McGUIRE, Berglund Group, president; LINWOOD LOCKLEAR, Virginia Hair Academy, 1st vice president; BEN BURCH III, Home Center Kitchens Inc., 2nd vice president; SUSAN MUSSELWHITE, Crestar Bank, Hershberger Road, secretary; MARK NEWMAN, Crestar Bank, Williamson Road, treasurer; CHARLES OVERSTREET, Northwest True Value Hardware, immediate past president; JANE LOCKLEAR, Virginia Hair Academy, chaplain; and ED ALLEN, Williamson Road Action Forum, WRAF liaison. Directors are BEN BURCH, Home Center Kitchens; LYDIA SHORT, Southwest Virginia Savings Bank; PAT THOMPSON, Yardworks Landscaping; MIKE BAILEY, Mike Bailey Nationwide Insurance; LESLIE HELMS, Virginia First Savings Bank; and BOB JONES, Air-Lee Cleaners.

The Roanoke chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants has elected new officers: JEFFREY FORD, Transkrit, president; C. STEVEN CORNWELL, KPMG Peat Marwick, vice president of administration and finance; LOUISE HATH, American Red Cross, vice president of communications and community relations; LINDA LAWRENCE, Cybermotion, vice president of professional education; SUSAN CULBERTSON, Premier Rehabilitation Services, vice president of membership; PATRICIA CROW, Magnetic Bearings, treasurer; and KERRI THORNTON, Carilion Services, secretary.

Information on personnel changes of interest to people in business should be sent to this column, c/o the Roanoke Times & World-News, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke, Va. 24010.

 by CNB