Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 14, 1994                   TAG: 9408050033
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: NEW YORK                                 LENGTH: Medium


Former New York Giants quarterback Phil Simms effectively announced his retirement Wednesday when ESPN said he had joined the cable network as a studio analyst.

The 38-year-old Simms, released by the Giants in June, will appear on ESPN's ``NFL Prime Monday'' and also will play an undetermined role in the network's Sunday studio coverage.

Simms had said last week that once he made a decision on joining a network - he had also interviewed with Fox - that would be it for his football career even if a contending team, or the Giants, called with an offer for him to play. ``We are very impressed with Phil's ability to communicate,'' ESPN executive editor John Walsh said. ``ESPN is the network for the real NFL fans. Phil will fit right in.''

Simms spent 15 years with the Giants, leading the team to two Super Bowls. Last season, Simms went to his second Pro Bowl after completing a career-high 61.8 percent of his passes while leading New York to the conference semifinals.

``As a player, I was always a football fan, too, so I hope to take all my experience and relate it to the fans,'' Simms said. ``This gives me the chance to do what I really want to do - talk to the fans about football.''

Simms was cut by the Giants under unhappy circumstances last month, drawing fire from many of the team's fans and even expressions of regret from co-owner Wellington Mara over how it was done.

Simms said he thought he had been called into coach Dan Reeves office to autograph some footballs when he was told he was cut.

Giants coach Dan Reeves will have a rebuilding project this season with the retirements of Simms and All-Pro linebacker Lawrence Taylor, the backbone of New York's defensive unit for several seasons.

The Giants made the playoffs last season in Reeves' first year as their coach.

 by CNB