Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 14, 1994                   TAG: 9408050035
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B2   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE: WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.                                 LENGTH: Short


The Winston-Salem Spirits blasted a pair of two-run homers in the first inning Wednesday night and held on for a 9-5 Carolina League victory over the Salem Buccaneers at Ernie Shore Field.

Dan Kopriva hit his seventh homer of the year to stake the Spirits to a 2-0 lead, and Mike Meggers followed with his 19th to make the score 4-0 after one inning.

Salem picked up a run in the third on Jeff Conger's RBI single and added two in the fourth on Reed Secrist's two-run double, making the score 4-3.

Adam Hyzdu continued Winston-Salem's homer barrage in the fourth with a solo blast, and the Spirits added a run in the fifth on a bases-loaded wild pitch by Bucs reliever Terry Farrar to make the score 6-3.

Salem closed to 6-5 in the seventh on a two-run homer by Jay Cranford, but the Spirits scored three in the bottom of the inning to seal the victory.

Bucs starter Matt Chamberlain (4-10) took the loss, and James Nix (7-7) got the victory for Winston-Salem.

Today's pitchers will be Will Brunson (8-4) for the Spirits and Dave Doorneweerd (3-3) for the Bucs.


 by CNB