Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, July 18, 1994                   TAG: 9407180098
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Blue Ridge Parkway Ranger R.L. Milliron still thinks his job is the best in the world. Even after a driver tried to run him down during a traffic stop Saturday.

Milliron was trying to stop a swerving car on the parkway when the driver suddenly sped off. Milliron narrowly escaped serious injury during the 20-mile chase, which ended with the driver fleeing on foot.

"I've had guns and knives pointed at me, but this is the closest I've been to being killed."

Milliron was driving north on the parkway in Roanoke County when he saw the car swerving again and again off to the right side of the road.

When he turned on his blue lights, the car slowed, but then took off down Rutrough Road.

"I thought he just didn't notice me, so I turned on my siren. I never once saw him look in his mirror."

By the time they had reached the Mount Pleasant area, Milliron had notified county and city police. The driver, a 30-year-old Garden City resident, led the ranger through back roads and red lights in Southeast Roanoke County.

On Old Virginia Spring Road, Milliron finally was able to block the car as it turned around.

"I got out of the car with my shotgun, but I could not see into the car because the sun was glaring the window. I could hear him say, `OK, man, I quit. You got me.' "

But as Milliron stepped away from his car, closing the door with his foot, the driver hit the accelerator and headed straight for the ranger.

"I could feel his car brush by me as I moved towards my car," Milliron said.

Roanoke County and city police joined the chase, which ended shortly after on Ventor Road.

Milliron said the driver, who ran into woods which borders parkway property, dropped a bottle of prescription muscle relaxants. Open containers of alcohol were found in the car.

Warrants for the man, whose name was not released, have been issued. Milliron said police and parkway rangers will be keeping a close watch on the Southeast Roanoke area.

Charges include attempted capital murder against a U.S. park ranger, operating a motor vehicle after being declared an habitual offender, driving an unregistered vehicle and a list of other traffic violations.

Milliron said the driver had an extensive record from his hometown in Maryland, including assault and battery, extortion, felony grand larceny and hit and run.

Milliron, who has received two awards in the past year for the high number of drunken driving arrests he has made, was back on the job Sunday.

"You just never know what you've got when you pull someone. But that's just part of the job," he said.

It is the job he began dreaming of when he was 14 years old.

"I can't believe they pay me to do this. The parkway belongs to everyone and I feel like I'm doing something worthwhile by protecting it," Milliron said.

 by CNB