Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, July 20, 1994                   TAG: 9407200081
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Radio-controlled cars

CHRISTIANSBURG - The inaugural Dad's Day Off Trophy Race for radio-controlled race cars will be held Saturday, July 23, beginning at 11 a.m. at Dad's Day Off Speedway off Route 11 behind the A-1 Flea Market.

Entrants will race in either the 1/10-scale or 1/12-scale class. Cars in the 1/10 class must have a NASCAR body, straight axle, stock motor, and must weight at least 42 ounces. Cars in the 1/12 class must have a PROCAR motor and must be limited to four cells in the battery pack.

Registration fee is $10 for the first car, $5 for each additional car. For more information, call Alan Duffy at 639-1049 or Dave Schuh at 633-0236.

Adoption information

ROANOKE - ABC Adoption Services, a licenced non-profit agency, is holding an informative meeting for prospective adoptive parents on Monday at 7 p.m. at the agency offices in Roanoke.

Participants will learn about the agency's services, Virginia requirements for adoptive parents, and adoption laws.

To register call the agency at (703) 989-2845.

Teen jobs

CHRISTIANSBURG - Jobs for teens are hard to find, according to the Life Program administered by the Office on Youth of the Human Services Division of Montgomery County.

The Life Program provides training and connections for youths ages 13-18 who are interested in volunteer experiences or job opportunities.

The Life Program provides business and individuals with a list of trained teens for doing such jobs as mowing, child-care, pet sitting, house-cleaning, filing, yard work and other odd jobs.

For more information, call the Office on Youth, 382-5776.

 by CNB