Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 23, 1994                   TAG: 9407250044
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Alexandrian missing in Potomac

GREAT FALLS - An Alexandria man was missing Friday after he fell from a ledge at Great Falls into the Potomac River.

U.S. Park Police called off the search for James Rodney Webb, 24, around 11:30 a.m., three hours after the accident was first reported.

Webb and his wife, Carol Washington Webb, were climbing on the rocks and taking pictures when the man slipped and fell into the swift-flowing river.

The Webbs had been married for a week.

Rescuers from the Fairfax County Fire Department were training on the river near the scene and responded to the woman's screams for help, but Webb was not seen again.

- Associated Press

Amherst approves new McDonald's

AMHERST - Fast-food giant McDonald's has gotten the green light from Town Council to build a McDonald's, but not without conditions.

The restaurant, which had tried unsuccessfully before to open a store in Amherst, will only be allowed to construct the smallest model the corporation builds.

Some residents voiced concerns that the fast-food restaurant would bring noise, traffic and trash, so McDonald's also agreed to restrict the height of signs and not to use loudspeakers at a drive-through window or build a pet relief area.

Even with those restrictions, the vote Wednesday night was close: 3-2 in favor of the rezoning request.

- Associated Press

Petersburg lands metal products plant

RICHMOND - A metal products plant will open next month in Petersburg and eventually employ up to 30 people, the governor's office said Friday.

Watson Metal Products Corp., based in Kenilworth, N.J., will build the $2.2 million plant in a shell building at the Interstate Industrial Park.

Watson President William Rigney said the company plans to begin production in August. It will manufacture metal products such as threaded steel; stainless, brass and alloy rods; studs; and bent bolts.

- Associated Press

Louisa drug probe brings arrests

CHARLOTTESVILLE - State police and the Louisa County Sheriff's Office, following up a drug sting operation, made more than a dozen arrests Friday.

A Louisa County jury indicted 21 people on 29 drug-related offenses July 11. At least 13 were arrested Friday, said Mary Evans, a State Police spokeswoman. She described those indicted as mid-level dealers.

Evans said some of those charged are accused of getting cocaine from 33-year-old Louisa resident Stanley M. Carter, who was arrested Friday.

All the indictments stem from undercover drug purchases from the defendants, Evans said. Authorities seized at least $7,500 in suspected crack cocaine when arresting Carter, Evans said.

- Associated Press

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