Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, July 25, 1994                   TAG: 9407250076
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-2   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: BIG STONE GAP                                LENGTH: Medium


Drama led to romance for two cast members of the outdoor drama, ``Trail of the Lonesome Pine.''

The play traces the story of Southwest Virginia residents Jack Hale and June Tolliver and the changes in the region after the discovery of coal.

The drama, based on a best-selling book by Big Stone Gap author John Fox Jr., has been presented every summer for 31 years by an all-volunteer cast.

In the play, the lead characters fall in love with each other. In real life, the actors who play Jack and June have fallen in love, too.

Rodger Cooper, 22, and Melanie Horner, 17, were married Saturday at Seminary United Methodist Church after acting together in the drama for two years.

``It helped for the characters on stage,'' Cooper said. ``It helped it to look more realistic on stage.''

That often brought questions from audience members who noticed how smoothly the two worked together.

``People are always fascinated,'' Cooper said. ``People would ask us, `Are you two really dating?''' The two started dating soon after the roles were cast two years ago.

Even though on stage Jack and June were in love, and off the stage she and Cooper were in love, Horner said the couples' relationships are different.

``As far as our characters, and us off stage as real people and our relationship off the stage, it's different than on the stage,'' she said.

``When I'm [performing], I don't see Rocky - I see Jack Hale,'' Horner said.

``I don't know if they can be compared. Jack and June - Melanie and Rocky are so different,'' she said.

The two planned to honeymoon in Gatlinburg, Tenn., but be back in time for Thursday's show.

 by CNB