Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, August 25, 1994                   TAG: 9408250098
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                 LENGTH: Medium


It's been said before, but the owners of Gables Shopping Center say that Harris Teeter will be moving in - albeit almost a year from now.

Bob Pack of CP Partnership, Gables' owners, said Wednesday that the grocery chain had agreed to open a 50,000-square-foot store in the center by June 1995. It will be the center's anchor.

As far back as 1990, when Gables was owned by another group, Harris Teeter had said it was coming. But Wades Supermarkets sued the then owners for $3.15 million to keep Harris-Teeter out of the shopping center, where Wades used to operate a store. Wades now operates a store across the street,

While Wades lost that court battle, Gables Associates ended up filing for bankruptcy last year and turned over ownership of the shopping center to CP Partnership early this year.

A deal was struck with Harris Teeter in June to open the store - two-thirds larger than had been planned before, Pack said. By comparison, the Blacksburg Kroger store at University Mall is 39,000 square feet, but will expand later this year to more than 50,000 square feet.

Harris Teeter officials could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Since CP Partnership acquired it, the shopping center has been getting a face lift and remodeling, including removing part of the roof. The center will have to consolidate three and a half store spaces into one to accommodate Harris Teeter, Pack said, and "we decided to pretty much start over."

With American Carpet Gallery planning to open a store next month, 80 percent of the center's 130,000 square feet is under lease, Pack said. He said he is working with other companies to fill the remainder of the center.

"By the time spring rolls around, we'll have the rest of it leased," Pack said.

However, part of that space is leased to Sav Foods, which is owned by Wades. Sav Foods opened there in February but closed this month and now stands empty even though it still has 4 1/2 years left on a lease, according to Pack .

Scott Wade, director of operations for the grocery chain, said the store "did not prove to be a successful concept," so its owners decided to close it. As to what it will do with the space, he said, "Our plans are indefinite."

 by CNB