Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 9, 1994                   TAG: 9410100013
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


From the family of Terry L. Griffith:

The children and I want to convey how much our lives have been touched by the overwhelming love and kindness shown to us during the past couple of weeks.

It has touched our hearts beyond any measure to see the many expressions of recognition from the community and surrounding areas. Flags flown at half-staff, tributes in store windows, cards and letters too numerous to count and especially the citizens lining the streets of Christiansburg saluting as the funeral procession passed are only a few of these expressions of recognition. What a tribute to Terry.

How honored we have felt by the police officers from across these United States who came to be with us. A special thanks to Bobby and Dorothy Hawley, owners of Country Kitchen, who fed these special men and women. A special thanks to the state police and the Blacksburg Police Department, who covered the town of Christiansburg so that our own officers could attend the funeral. Thanks for the honor we felt when we learned the Chamber of Commerce offices closed along with the town offices and many individual merchants in Christiansburg.

We especially wish to thank those people, whom we will never know, who have so lovingly given to the Family Fund at First National Bank of Christiansburg. Additionally, we thank those who have supported the area merchants' fund drives and the many organizations that gave generously of their time and monies in recognition of Terry.

The children and I especially thank Bruce Farrell of Farrell Ford Pontiac Mazda and Berglund Chevrolet for providing us with a much-needed vehicle. The week before he was killed, Terry had been looking for something to hold our family. Michelle Wright and Vickie Garman took it upon themselves to continue that effort, calling dealerships until Farrell responded. God is handling our every need and much, much more.

We would also like to thank Pastor Eddie Booth of Moore's Chapel Baptist Church, our church family, friends, neighbors, as well as our children's schools for their expressions of love and sympathy through cards, phone calls, visit, and numerous offers of assistance.

Above all else, we thank you for your prayers, for that is what makes the difference.

I would like to make a comment to the people who were upset about the family picture that appeared in the newspaper after the funeral. We were certainly not offended by that article or picture. We were told by many that the picture put a face as well as adding a personal touch to the family that they had heard about all week.

We would like to thank the Roanoke Times & World-News for handling this tragedy with such feeling and discretion. Also special thanks to WSLS for their very kind support.

Loving concern goes out to the individuals involved at Hills Department Store. By no means were you at fault, and I am sorry that people have said as much. God, not man, is in control of all things.

As far as Oliver North's appearance at the funeral, we appreciate him for keeping his word. That's hard for a politician to do these days. North used great discretion while at the funeral. His kindness was taken as an honor. He did not make a big political scene at the funeral and that's what he promised. What he did before or after the funeral doesn't matter; he kept his promise to our family and we thank him for his attendance and discretion.

Del. Morgan Griffith also attended the funeral and exhibited the same discretion, and we were honored by his presence.

Special thanks to the Christiansburg Rescue Squad, Montgomery Regional Hospital, LifeGuard-10, Roanoke Memorial Hospital and especially Richardson-Horne Funeral Home for the professional and personal way they handled everything.

Last, and by no means least, we want to say in the most sincere way that words are unable to truly express our thanks to Chief Ron Lemons and Lt. James Epperly for overseeing and bringing about a most beautiful and professional service. Their acts of personal caring will never be forgotten. Special love and thanks to Officer Connie Bishop (who helped hold me together). Additionally, a very special heart-felt thanks to the officers who served as pallbearers and to the officers who were honorary pallbearers. You are all truly special to us. To each and everyone at the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office we thank you for being there.

Though we are in the midst of a great tragedy, God has used so many people to bless our family. While it has been impossible to name everyone, please know that we love and care for each one who has reached out to us. Words cannot rightly express how you have affected our family during this difficult time.

But as Terry would have said, " All things work together for good to those who love God ..." (Romans 8:28).

God bless you,

Diane Trout Griffith, Robby,

Adam, Ashley, Victoria and John

 by CNB