Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, October 10, 1994                   TAG: 9410140035
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: MONTEREY, CALIF.                                 LENGTH: Short


On a day when Mario Andretti and Nigel Mansell bid farewell to Indy-car racing, Paul Tracy scored a convincing victory Sunday in the season-ending Bank of America 300.

Andretti, driving in his 407th and last Indy-car race at age 54, had a frustrating day, damaging his car in a first-lap accident and winding up 18th after after his engine blew just three laps from the end. He wound up watching from the pits as Tracy took the checkered flag.

``I'm just going to have to find out if there is life after driving after all,'' Andretti said. ``And I'm sure there is.''

Mansell will return to Formula One for the final three races of this season.

Tracy earned his second straight victory in the 84-lap race on the 2.214-mile, 11-turn Laguna Seca Raceway road circuit, his third of the season and the eighth of his budding Indy-car career.

Andretti was honored throughout the weekend and got a special sendoff Sunday, with wife Dee Ann and twin brother Aldo giving him the singular command ``Mario, start your engine'' several seconds before the rest of the 29-car field roared to life.

Andretti led a pace lap before falling back into his 12th-place starting spot as a huge crowd roared and waved handkerchiefs and hats.

The day quickly lost some of its glitter for the Andrettis. On the third turn, Michael Andretti, Mario's eldest son, was sidelined and the father's car was damaged in a multi-car melee.

Dominick Dobson ran into the rear of Mario's car, sending him to 24th. Andretti was seventh when he went out.


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