Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 13, 1994                   TAG: 9410140066
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


Blacksburg Town Council on Tuesday approved modifications to a conditional zoning for the Collegiate Square Project along Prices Fork Road.

The ordinance, which was adopted by a 4-2 vote, took another look at the land that has already been zoned commercial between Prices Fork Road, Turner and Gilbert streets. The plan for the shopping center, which developers say will appeal to both students and town residents, has changed over the years in placement of the proposed structures and the number of available parking spaces. The new zoning covers that plan.

The area would be developed for retail, office and possible residential use. The Planning Commission unanimously endorsed the new ordinance, but on council, members Lewis B. Barnett and Michael Chandler voted against the proposal.

Barnett opposed the new ordinance because of the potential traffic problems the project could create, especially if a bus stop is relocated on Prices Fork Road.

Chandler, though he voted against it, said he considered the amended ordinance a "much improved version" of the previous one.

The visible impact of this project was also an important consideration in Barnett's decision.

"This area of town is an extremely important and visible gateway," he said.

Gilbert Street resident John Pettengill also opposed the new ordinance and voiced a number of concerns to the council. He described the current property study as "completely inadequate." He said residents in the area did not have an adequate opportunity to express their views because many were not notified of the neighborhood meeting on the development.

Construction of the Collegiate Square Project will begin in early spring of 1995 and could be completed within the year.

In other business, council adopted an ordinance providing authority for the town to enforce a national property maintenance code. The ordinance will cover basic repair and maintenance issues for existing buildings and was passed by unanimous council decision.

Adele Schirmer, director of the Planning and Engineering Department, cited an increase in tenant complaints over the last several years as one of the reasons behind the ordinance. She said complaints hit their peak when students move in and out of homes and apartments.

In the past, the town has been able to get involved when public health and safety is threatened. "However anything short of that, we could not address," Schirmer said. "This code gives us the ability to enforce reasonable living conditions which may not be a safety risk."

Schirmer said she believes the code will be an incentive for some landlords to improve their facilities.

The council also passed a special use permit for construction of an administrative building at the Blacksburg Municipal Golf Course. It reaffirmed all existing permits and special uses for the facility.

 by CNB