Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, October 15, 1994                   TAG: 9410180024
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


MANY THANKS to this newspaper's editors and readers who have recently extolled the principle of separation of church and state. You have deftly exposed the greatest threat to this nation's democracy.

You must have gasped in horror, as did I, upon seeing the Sept. 26 picture (``Clinton extols mission in Haiti'') of President Clinton and New York Gov. Mario Cuomo speaking in a church in Harlem. How could the president, defender of the Constitution, allow himself to be so subverted?

And what of the shameful minister of this church subjecting the captive congregation to his own political opinions, with no time allotted for opposing views? You might expect such from the Revs. Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell.

All this just when you thought America was safe for democracy again. Clutch your mortal soul and beware the religious left!


Use Disney money for education

AS DISNEY has rescinded its offer to build a theme park in Northern Virginia, I hope the $163 million pledged to go to this project, money that has lost its original allocation and is ``free,'' will go toward Virginia's educational system.

Our underfunded schools could use additional money to teach on all subjects, including history. I would be disgruntled if this money was re-allocated to a purpose other than history and education, as it seemed the educational value of the Disney theme park was one of the biggest issues in the controversy.

If our governing leaders felt pledging so much money to this cause was necessary and appropriate, then it seems fitting this money go back into the educational system. But I worry about this logic, as the lottery continues without fully benefiting the educational system as it was originally intended.


From the mouths of babes ...

TO READY, aim ...

A 3-year-old ``gun lover'' was prompted by his grandma (at Buffalo Creek Sporting Club) to tell Oliver North what we shoot at. His reply: ``Clay pigeons and Democrats.'' As he beamed, so did North. Real cute! I can picture this 3-year-old in about 10 years.


As different as day and night

THIS YEAR Virginians will elect a U.S. senator from a major party. If, when we start the process of elimination, we set aside their characters and look only at what they stand for and what they believe in, we find that:

Both Sen. Charles Robb and Oliver North believe in helping people, except Robb wants to give a leg-up to the have-nots while North is only interested in helping the haves.

Robb and his party are working hard to get needed reforms enacted on health care, welfare and campaign financing, while North and his party play obstructionist politics just to win an election, and with no concern for those they serve.

Robb believes your tax money should pay for educating all children, and is constantly working to raise the learning level. North wants this same tax money to educate wealthier children in private and religious schools and at home, where there's no input by boards of education.

Robb believes that while religion plays a major role in life, it isn't to be state-sponsored, while North and Pat Robertson believe the Bible, theirs, should be part of the curriculum.

Robb believes abortion is a personal choice of the woman involved, while North believes abortion should no longer be a choice, no matter what the cause of the pregnancy.


The dream team: Disney and Salem

I WAS totally amazed to hear that there are actually people on Earth who don't want anything associated with Walt Disney in their community.

The Disney group is a class act (maybe that's what threw them), and everything it does oozes class. The Disney people took worthless land in the Florida swamps and made a place to which the entire world comes to enjoy.

Other states are standing laughingly in line to get a class business that brings in $150 million-plus per year in taxes along with thousands of jobs. Virginia is going to be the laughing stock of the country. Phrases such as ``That's dumb as Manassas'' are already being repeated.

While riding a monorail in Disney World last summer, the people sitting next to me asked where we were from. I said Virginia, which brought about questions (and smiles) as to why people here didn't want Disney. I assured them I was normal and wanted Disney in Virginia before they had a chance to move away from me.

After careful consideration, I'm convinced the only way to keep Disney interested in us is to turn the entire project over to Salem. Salem folks know how to accomplish things, and get it right the first time, whether it's football bowls, horse shows, baseball, etc. Anything they attempt works. Seems like Salem is our only hope.


 by CNB