Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 16, 1994                   TAG: 9410180045
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: D6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: GREENVILLE, N. C.                                 LENGTH: Medium


Prominent lines are feared by pretty faces but lovely on football teams.

Saturday against East Carolina, defensive end Cornell Brown disrupted the Pirates' offense and Virginia Tech's maligned offensive line protected quarterback Maurice DeShazo better than it has all year.

Although DeShazo was sacked three times, the line gave him time to throw, especially in the first half, and provided holes for DeShazo's quarterback draws and Tommy Edwards' bang-up running.

Midweek chatter had Tech starting freshman Todd Washington at center and moving center Billy Conaty to tackle to cover for injuries, but Jared Hamlin started at one tackle and allowed Conaty to stay at center.

``We were up today,'' said tackle Jay Hagood. ``I think we grew up today.

``The main thing on our minds was playing well today. After the pregame meal, I saw everyone was ready to play. [The pass protection] was better than last week. The offensive line stepped it up.''

On defense, end Lawrence Lewis had a 60-yard fumble return for a touchdown; Hank Coleman and Brown had pass breakups; and Brown, a sophomore, had 21/2 sacks to increase his total to 91/2 this year (no Hokie had more than four last year).

Perhaps surprisingly, Brown said he often is matched one-on-one against an offensive tackle.

``That's the way our defense is designed, so everyone's freed up and a couple guys are one-on-one,'' Brown said. ``I'm kind of [lining up] to the field a lot, starting out tight [close to the line] and moving out. [The tackle] doesn't know how to block it.''

OX IDLE: Freshman tailback Ken Oxendine left the game and didn't return after a first-quarter fumble. He injured a muscle in his back on the play, but Tech coach Frank Beamer said Oxendine could have returned if needed.

Edwards took over at tailback, and Oxendine was left to think about some stats: In 27 carries at Tech, he has 234 yards (8.7 per carry) and has fumbled three times. Twice, defenders have ripped the ball from his arms.

``I need to do a little bit more clamping the ball down,'' said Oxendine, who said he wasn't upset that he didn't play the rest of the game.

PASSING: East Carolina has posted the highest passing totals against Tech in two of the past three seasons, and might have done it again this year. The Pirates passed for 426 yards in '92, 337 in '91 and a season-high 332 Saturday - the first time this year a team has thrown for more than 200 yards against Tech.

ON TV: Tech expects to hear Monday morning from the Big East Football Conference whether its Oct.29 game at Miami will be televised by ABC (at 3:30 p.m.) or ESPN (7:30 p.m.). Tech should learn today whether its Oct.22 home game with Pittsburgh will be televised on the Big East network at noon.

 by CNB