Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 16, 1994                   TAG: 9410180051
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: D11   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Before making the Roanoke Express` final roster cuts, coach Frank Anzalone figured he'd get a little help from his club's final East Coast Hockey League preseason game Saturday night.

Instead, all Anzalone wound up with was one huge migraine.

After the Express' undisciplined, underachieving effort in a 4-3 loss to the Raleigh IceCaps, Anzalone's voice ripped through the Roanoke Civic Center catacombs. It wasn't a happy tune.

``Quite frankly, I just expected some larger performances from some guys who are on the bubble,'' said Anzalone, who has to make six cuts today to trim the roster to the regular-season limit of 18 players.

``I was really stunned. I mean, I'm bored. I feel like I've been to a bad movie. I'm totally mixed up now ... damn, I just have no idea. To believe that some people are fighting for their jobs. I could cut nine guys tonight, no problem, but I can't. I can name my first 10, but from 12 to 18 it's like, `Geez, what do I do now?'''

Anzalone, who hadn't uttered a discouraging word during the past week's training camp, said he figured the players on the bubble would separate themselves from the pack with a big effort Saturday.

``It was like, `Help me out here; bring me over the threshold.' ... Didn't happen.

``I expected a real gung-ho effort tonight. But we looked tired and burned out. This league is bypassing some people.

``We're going to make some decisions that make us look like total jerks, but if anybody had been here for the three preseason games and two scrimmages, they'd understand. How can you keep people who have done nothing for seven consecutive days?''

Anzalone must move one goaltender, two defenseman and three forwards. Among those speculated to be on the bubble are Roger Larche, Reggie Brezeault and Oleg Yashin - three forwards who played here last season.

Either Larche or Yashin is assured of being cut, because both are battling for the club's final veteran's spot.

ICE CHIPS: Chic Pojar's power-play rebound goal with 7 minutes, 34 seconds left broke a tie. The IceCaps scored twice in five-on-three situations and cashed in three times on 10 power-play opportunities. ... Lisko, battling Dan Ryder for the final goalie's spot, gave up three goals on 14 shots before giving way to Dave Gagnon. ... Anzalone trimmed the roster to 24 before the game, cutting defenseman Don Daigle and left wing Craig Ralph. Daigle, a rugged 6-foot-3, 218-pound rookie defenseman, had exhibited toughness, picking up 36 penalty minutes and getting ejected for instigating a fight in the Express' 8-3 victory over Johnstown in Wednesday's preseason opener. Ralph, who played for Lakeland (Fla.) in the Sunshine League last season, had a goal in the two preseason games. ... Raleigh dressed only two players off last season's Riley Cup runner-up squad. Lyle Wildgoose and Jimmy Powers, Raleigh's top two scorers last season, sat out the game as first-year coach Rick Barkovich chose to take a final look at newcomers. ... The Express drew 10,331 for the three home preseason games, an average of 3,444. ... Doug Sheeran, son of longtime Roanoke off-ice officials supervisor Ken Sheeran, worked the game in his first tryout as an ECHL linesman.

 by CNB