Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, October 17, 1994                   TAG: 9410190029
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


THE CAVALIERS crack the top 25 polls and will play North Carolina on network television Saturday.

On the day it received its first ranking of the season, Virginia's football program got its best news from ABC.

The network informed the Cavaliers on Sunday that their game with North Carolina has been chosen for a regional telecast Saturday at 3:30 p.m.

The total payoff of $720,000 will be split between the two programs, who in turn will turn the money over to the ACC, which has a revenue-sharing formula for all television appearances.

ABC had been waiting for the results of UVa's game at Georgia Tech, where the Cavaliers extended their winning streak to five games with a 24-7 triumph.

Virginia (5-1 overall, 3-1 ACC) was ranked 25th in The Associated Press poll and 22nd in the USA Today coaches' poll. Auburn and Texas A&M are disqualified from the coaches' poll because they are on NCAA probation.

Virginia Tech (6-1, 3-1 Big East) was ranked 13th by the coaches and 17th by the writers. The Hokies, come-from-behind 27-20 winners over East Carolina, entertain Pittsburgh on Saturday.

UVa was ranked 25th by USA Today during the preseason, but disappeared after losing its opening game to Florida State 41-17. Support has been grudging as the Cavaliers have built their winning streak against unimposing opponents.

The five teams Virginia has beaten have combined for two victories over Division I-A opposition (Clemson over Maryland and Wake Forest over Army). The Cavaliers' next five opponents are 24-7, 22-3 if you throw out Nov. 5 foe Maryland.

``I've been looking for [a ranking] every week,'' UVa linebacker Randy Neal said. ``But if you want some respect, you've got to take it from somebody who's got some.''

That's where Carolina (5-1, 2-1) comes in. The Tar Heels moved up to 15th this week in The Associated Press poll, although they have not beaten a team with a winning record.

``We're kind of glad not to be ranked after what's happened the last couple of years, with all the dropoffs we've had,'' UVa offensive tackle Jason Augustino said. ``We're at our best when we're sneaking up on people.''

 by CNB