Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, October 17, 1994                   TAG: 9410200042
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Daniel Boone would feel right at home if he went deer hunting in the Roanoke area this fall.

That's because more and more hunters in the area are getting back to the basics - black-powder rifles and handguns - local merchants are saying.

``Muzzleloaders are flying out of here quicker than anything else we have,'' said Rick Birnbach, president of Valley Guns in Roanoke.

``People are trying to return to the basics of hunting. It's just the enjoyment of the sport.''

The early muzzle-loading season, which opens Nov.7, does more than just afford hunters an extra challenge. It also gives them two additional weeks of hunting before the Nov.21-Dec.3 conventional gun season west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. And that hunting takes place during the rut when big bucks are most active.

``One guy recently said he'd never get into black powder,'' said Mark Brittain, a buyer for On Target in Roanoke. ``But he thought about the opportunity to get more deer and thought about last year when he didn't get a deer, and he bought a muzzleloader.

``The prices of muzzleloaders have come down over the last several years, but they have maintained the quality of the products. That in itself has added to sales more than anything.''

A top seller in the area is the Knight Wolverine, which lists for $220 at the All Huntin'-N-Fishin' Store in Salem.

``It's been a super best-seller,'' said David Garst, a salesman at the store. ``They shoot something awesome.''

At Trebark Outfitters/Bryan-steens Gun Shop in Roanoke County, Knight muzzleloaders range in price from $199 to $900.

``The Knights are the best without a doubt,'' said Brian Johnson, the store's archery pro. ``No muzzleloader will shoot as good as they do.''

The black-powder pistols is another throwback that is selling well. Blue Ridge Sporting Supplies sells Thompson/Center Contenders with barrel and frame for between $330-$350.

``There's a big resurgence in pistol shooting,'' said Gerald Tobey, the general manager at Blue Ridge. ``The Thompson has the accuracy of a rifle in a hand gun. Some people want to get a deer with a rifle. Some people want to do something different. It is more challenging.''

Even with the interest in muzzleloaders, merchants say several models of conventional rifles are selling well, as are other accessories:

The Browning Stainless Stalker rifle with the BOSS (Ballistic Optimizing Shooting System) is a hot item. It sells for $665 at Blue Ridge Sporting Supplies and for $649 at Trebark Outfitters on a .30-06 or A-Bolt rifle.

The BOSS is a tuned port system on the end of the barrel that adjusts to make any ammunition shoot in tighter groups.

The Remington .30-06 and .270 rifles are tops are Valley Guns for $449 apiece.

The Remington Mountain Rifle at $440 is a top seller at Shooters Discount Warehouse in Daleville.

``Package'' deals are available at several merchants. The Savage 110 includes a rifle, scope and sling for $350 at On Target. At Trebark, Savage packages, which include a rifle, scope and hard case, are selling for between $389 and $489.

The Boonie Packer is a sling that drapes in the front of a hunter rather than over his back. This is the second year it has been available at Blue Ridge, and it is a good seller, Tobey said.

The Action Ear Sport hearing protector ($135) is another top seller at Blue Ridge. It protects the hunter's ear from the sound of the rifle, and it magnifies the sound of the wildlife.

While most area outfitters say Tink's 69 is the top deer scent, Valley Guns in Roanoke reports Buck Dope, a brand made by Milligan, is a top seller. Until recently, it was only available in western states, Birnbach said.

Sabot rounds, designed to give black-powder rifles more speed and accuracy, are top sellers at most area stores.

 by CNB