Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, October 18, 1994                   TAG: 9410180100
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A week after a mysterious explosion and fire destroyed Dean and Phyllis De Sart's Smith Mountain Lake home, the Bedford County couple are rebuilding their lives with help from the community.

"Everybody's just been wonderful. They've all given so much," Phyllis De Sart said Monday.

She and her husband escaped with minor injuries Oct. 9 after they were awakened about 6:30 a.m. by an explosion in the basement of their home. They fled with only the nightclothes they were wearing. Virtually everything they owned was destroyed by the fire, including one of their two cars.

Their insurance company has hired a private fire investigator, but no cause for the blast has been determined.

Only days after the fire, a local man provided the De Sarts with a furnished apartment. Members of the De Sarts' church, Patmos United Methodist, bought groceries and cooked dinners for the couple. The church and local organizations have taken up collections of money, clothes and other necessary items.

"It's awfully hard when you lose everything," said Nancy Taylor, a friend of the family. The De Sarts "have always been the kind that gave help to others, and now they need help."

Ironically, Phyllis De Sart is a past president and founding member of the Smith Mountain Lake Fire Belles, the local volunteer fire company's auxiliary fund-raising group. The Fire Belles also have contributed groceries and money to help the De Sarts.

In return, the De Sarts have given the Fire Belles a gift of their own. Phyllis De Sart drafted a letter to the group Sunday that she hopes to distribute to the entire community. In it, she writes of the importance of safeguarding irreplaceable photos and videotapes of one's family.

"Make copies [of photos and tapes] and put them in a safe place away from your home," she said, "because you never know what will happen."

She also noted the importance of having a fire-escape plan and sticking to it. She and her husband had an escape plan worked out, she said, but became disoriented and separated by the explosion and fire. They both said it was a miracle they found their way to safety.

Phyllis De Sart said she and her husband plan to build a new house on the same lot.

"It was our retirement home, and we love the land; and, of course, our neighbors have been so good."

Friends and neighbors have established a fund for the De Sarts. Contributions may be sent to the Phyllis and Dean De Sart Fire Fund, c/o Central Fidelity Bank, P.O. Box 633, Moneta, Va. 24121.

 by CNB