Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, October 18, 1994                   TAG: 9410180133
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Talks target region's economy

Virginia's secretary of commerce and trade, Robert Skunda, will discuss Southwest Virginia economic development issues with a group of Roanoke-area business leaders today.

Skunda will speak at a luncheon at the Sheraton Inn Roanoke Airport hosted by state Sen. Brandon Bell, R-Roanoke County. "Skunda is coming to Roanoke to discuss what we as business leaders can do to help stimulate the economy here in the Roanoke Valley," Bell said.

Skunda also will meet with a small group interested in promoting business incubators in Roanoke. Bell said he has been a supporter of incubators, sheltered environments for company start-ups.

- Staff report

Shopping network earnings rise

Home Shopping Network Inc., St. Petersburg, Fla., television merchant operating a warehouse in Salem, reported third-quarter net earnings of $6.4 million, or 7 cents per share, compared with $1.1 million, or 1 cent, a year earlier. Sales were $276.6 million compared with $260.5 million in last year's quarter. For the nine months, net earnings were $15 million, or 16 cents per share, compared with a net loss of $21.1 million, equal to 24 cents per share, in the year-ago period. Sales were $824.8 million compared with $750.1 million.

- Staff report

Nissan recalling some '95 Altimas

Nissan Motor Corp. on Monday announced a voluntary recall of approximately 300 early production 1995 model year Altimas equipped with automatic transmissions.

The vehicles are being recalled to modify the shift lever lock, which could become damaged under certain conditions. This could allow the shift lever to be inadvertently moved out of the park position with or without the key in the ignition, and without the driver's foot on the brake pedal.

- Staff report

 by CNB