Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, October 21, 1994                   TAG: 9410220067
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Tech, others may avoid budget cut

RICHMOND - Virginia Tech and several other major state universities have submitted restructuring plans that should help them avoid a budget cut, a state education official said Thursday.

Plans submitted by Tech; the University of Virginia; the Virginia Community College System; and James Madison, George Mason, Virginia Commonwealth and Old Dominion universities ``are clearly acceptable,'' Margaret A. Miller, the State Council of Higher Education's associate director of academic affairs, said Thursday.

Five or six colleges are making ``significant revisions,'' Miller said. She declined to name them.

Gov. George Allen and the 1994 General Assembly directed state-supported colleges to submit the plans. Allen has threatened to cut funding for colleges that fail to submit adequate plans.

The council will decide Nov. 8 which plans pass muster.

- Associated Press

Study: Many at UVa still snub condoms

CHARLOTTESVILLE - A survey showing that just 40 percent of sexually active University of Virginia undergraduates always use condoms proves many students don't take AIDS seriously, an official said.

Of the 1,225 students surveyed, 65 percent said they were sexually active last year.

``Students think they're not at risk'' of contracting the virus that leads to AIDS, said Elizabeth McGarvey of UVa's Institute for Substance Abuse Studies. ``They think only others are at risk. But it's just denial.''

- Associated Press

Man guilty in assault with golf club

FREDERICKSBURG - A Circuit Court jury has convicted a 19-year-old man of assault and battery for striking another man with a putter during a golf course dispute.

Judge William Ledbetter gave Brian Scott Reeder of Lake Ridge a 6-month jail term and a $2,500 fine. Reeder struck Jimmy Durante, 56, on the head with enough force to break off the club's head.

- Associated Press

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