Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 23, 1994                   TAG: 9410250041
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: E-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: CHARLOTTESVILLE                                LENGTH: Medium


Mack Brown, left to contemplate a seventh loss to Virginia in his eight seasons at North Carolina, said he was outcoached Saturday.

``Nah, I wouldn't say that,'' said UVa coach George Welsh, who is 9-2-1 in his last 12 games with Carolina, including a 34-10 triumph Saturday.

``We used a couple new formations offensively and put in a new pitch to the tailback, but we didn't do anything we hadn't been doing defensively.''

Brown was speaking in more abstract terms, however, and suggested that 15th-ranked Carolina came out flat in its effort to break a six-game losing streak at Scott Stadium.

``I want to give coach Welsh and his staff all the credit,'' Brown said. ``He did a better job of preparing his team than I did. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but I'm going to go back and review this week and try to find out.

``We made every mistake possible in the ball game. Both teams played very hard. But we played as poorly as I've ever seen us play. That's my fault. We might have had them too ready to play. I don;t know.''

INSULT TO INJURY: Brown had a swollen left eye when he met the media after the game after colliding with a sideline marker. The official holding the marker backed into Brown on a play near the Carolina sideline.

DUKE NEXT: The Cavaliers will be open next week before visiting Duke, ranked 20th by The Associated Press and still unbeaten after a 51-26 victory Saturday at Wake Forest.

The Cavaliers' first victory of the season over a ranked opponent lifted 25th-ranked UVa to 6-1, ``but we've been there before,'' Welsh said. ``I'm not getting carried away.''

``I've been talking about being mentally tougher since last February. Now, we have to see if we are.''

UVa lost four of its last six games after a 5-0 start in 1992 and lost four of its last five after a 6-1 start last year.

Duke is one of three unbeaten teams in ACC play - along with Florida State and North Carolina State - but next week the Blue Devils will visit Florida State, which Saturday broke the record for consecutive ACC victories.

RECORD IN SIGHT: Tyrone Davis' two touchdown receptions Saturday gave him 26 for his career, one shy of the school record held by Herman Moore.

Davis, who has an ACC-high eight touchdown catches this season, has more touchdown receptions than all but two players in ACC history, Moore and Duke's Clarkston Hines (38).

Davis had five catches Saturday for a career-high 124 yards. It was his second 100-yard game of the season but only the third of his career.

KICKOFF WOES: When Rafael Garcia's last kickoff resulted in a touchback, it ended a long day for the UVa kickoff team, which gave up four returns for 125 yards.

During one stage of the game, Welsh instructed Garcia to kick high and short to reduce the likelihood of a long runback and the Tar Heels called for a fair catch on one of his kickoffs at their 36-yard line.

ANOTHER WINNER: The Cavaliers clinched their eighth straight winning season. Only two other teams in ACC history, Clemson and Maryland, have accomplished that feat.

ODDS AND ENDS: Virginia did not have a single sack Saturday after recording six in three consecutive games. ... UVa quarterback Mike Groh was sacked twice, the first times he has been sacked all season. ... Will Brice, who had a 78-yard punt against Georgia Tech, added a 70-yarder Saturday. Three of his five punts were downed inside the 20-yard line, giving him 15 for the season. ... Virginia has intercepted at least one pass in 11 straight games.


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