Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, October 24, 1994                   TAG: 9410280005
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                  LENGTH: Medium


VIRGINIA TECH must win to stay alive for a spot in the bowl coalition.

Last Tuesday, coach Frank Beamer sternly announced neither he nor his Virginia Tech football players would answer any questions about the Miami game, then still 11 days away.

And that was before anyone even mentioned the Hurricanes.

Maybe Beamer, like some of his players who admitted having Miami on their minds for a long time, was trying to contain himself. After the Hokies routed Pittsburgh 45-7 on Saturday, Beamer was full of thoughts about 13th-ranked Virginia Tech meeting No.6 Miami in the Orange Bowl.

He said Miami easily is the Big East Football Conference's best team, and noted the Hurricanes probably would be mentioned in most observers' top three football programs in the nation. Tech, meanwhile, has been ranked all year but doesn't have the long-term respect that four national titles in 11 years brings.

``It's an opportunity for us to probably change things around a lot,'' Beamer said. ``Once you can ever beat a team like that, you're thought of differently.

``I think you can change your whole situation, or at least alter it a little bit. ... There are not many times you can play [a team] that you can change the way your program's thought of. I think you can do that in one afternoon down there.''

Perception is one thing. The Hokies, however, have to win to stay alive for a spot in the bowl coalition. Of the four upper-division Big East teams - Miami, Syracuse, Tech and Boston College - only Tech has just one game remaining from among the other three.

``This game is what we've been looking for for a long time. Now, it's time to talk about the game,'' quarterback Maurice DeShazo said. ``I don't think there's any doubt in anyone's mind. Now it's time to go down and win, and not just gain respect.''

Tech (4-1) and BC (2-1-1) each have a Big East loss. If favored Miami (2-0) beats Tech, it probably could win the league championship the next week at Syracuse (4-0).

 by CNB