Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, October 28, 1994                   TAG: 9410280060
DATELINE: PULASKI                                 LENGTH: Medium


Addresses are changing across Pulaski County as officials phase in a new four-digit numbering system to accommodate the 911 emergency telephone service. And those who do not send out change-of-address notices could find themselves paying more taxes.

The changes are being made one post office at a time. The first address changes were in the area served by the Radford post office, including Fairlawn, New River and Snowville. County Emergency Services Coordinator Stan Crigger said those residents should have been notified of the changes from rural route numbers and box numbers a year ago.

Residents have a year after postal service notification to send change-of-address notices to individuals, businesses and governments from whom they get mail. After that, mail will no longer be delivered to the old addresses. This has already happened in parts of the county with the 24141 ZIP Code.

Treasurer Rose Marie Tickle said governments are sometimes the last to get those notifications. Neglecting to tell her office about a change of address can mean a person will not get a tax statement, which could result in penalties and interest when the taxes are not paid on time.

She said any county residents who have not gotten their 1994 tax tickets by now should contact her office. Some tickets have been returned because of wrong addresses.

Correct addresses can be sent to the treasurer's office at P.O. Box 1338, Pulaski, Va. 24301, or the changes can be phoned in at 980-7785.

Other government agencies, utility companies and businesses with whom a person corresponds must also be notified of the changes, Tickle said.

The county developed the 911 system to get emergency help faster to residents. Everyone living on a state road outside of the towns of Pulaski and Dublin will get a new street number, if they have not received one already.

The next area to be affected will be the one served by Dublin post office with its 24084 ZIP Code.

The Dublin postmaster will notify residents when the change is to be made.

The county also is requiring that residents post new house numbers in readily-visible places. Crigger said his office will tell homeowners what their new numbers will be, if they want to install the number before the postal change. Mail will not be delivered to the new address until the post office makes it official, but the numbers could help fire and rescue squads or police find the dwelling more quickly in an emergency.

Change-of-address notices are available from post offices.

 by CNB