Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, October 28, 1994                   TAG: 9410280100
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: DALEVILLE                                 LENGTH: Medium


Lord Botetourt stayed in the thick of the Blue Ridge District girls' basketball race Thursday night, thanks to the play of Jennifer Snodgrass.

The Cavaliers' center scored 13 points and grabbed 12 rebounds as they won their sixth consecutive game, blasting Northside 53-35.

Lord Botetourt (13-5 overall, 6-2 in the district) played without point guard Sara Moore, the fourth-leading scorer in the Blue Ridge, who sat out the game with a swollen knee. Moore could have played if she was needed but - thanks to Snodgrass - she wasn't.

Snodgrass was a model of consistency. The 5-foot-10 senior scored six point and grabbed six rebounds in the first half as the Cavaliers led 11-5 after one period and 22-8 at halftime. She added seven points and six rebounds in the second half as Lord Botetourt built its lead to as many as 21 points (51-30) late in the final period.

``Snodgrass did a nice job of getting some baskets with one of their starters out,'' said Marilyn Bussey, the Vikings' coach.

It was Snodgrass' scoring, rebounding and post defense (two steals) that allowed the Cavaliers to retain the lead.

``It [not having Moore] concerned us a little bit,'' Snodgrass said. ``We found out we could still play together and that boosted our confidence. We're beginning to play a lot better with each other; that's going to be really important going into the district [tournament].''

The Cavaliers outrebounded Northside 19-10 in the first half and held the Vikings without a field goal for the final 51/2 minutes of the opening half.

``Coach [David] Wheat has been emphasizing boxing out a lot lately,'' Snodgrass said. ``I just hope it keeps it up.''

Northside (4-12, 1-7) continued its season-long offensive drought. The Vikings shot 12 percent (3-for-25) in the first half and went eight minutes without a field goal.

``We couldn't throw it in the ocean for a long time,'' Bussey said.

Ironically, the Vikings had the only second-chance points in the first half. The Cavaliers had 10 offensive rebounds in the first half but did not score any points.?????

Northside never threatened in the second half as Lord Botetourt power forward Sarah Hicks and reserve Joan Patterson scored six points each in the third quarter to put away the game.

``I know a lot of people talk about a team victory, but this was definitely a team win,'' Wheat said. ``The reserves came off the bench and contributed when we needed it.''

With league-leading Salem scheduled to play William Byrd on Tuesday, Lord Botetourt has a chance to finish in a three-way tie for the district title with victories over Alleghany and Rockbridge County and a Byrd victory over Salem.

``I'm sure ya'll [the media] will let me know what happens,'' Wheat said.

Snodgrass added: ``We're looking for William Byrd to win.''

 by CNB