Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 2, 1994                   TAG: 9411230075
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


IN RECOGNITION of the sacrifices of the region's veterans 50 years ago during World War II, we take the following look at a selection of headlines from the Pacific, Europe and the home front for the week of Sunday, Oct. 29, through Saturday, Nov. 4, 1944:

Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell, hero of the North Burma campaign, had been relieved of all his command and staff posts in the Far East at the request of Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Stilwell reportedly had long-standing differences with Chiang over the conduct of the Far Eastern campaign.

Three of Mississippi's nine presidential electors announced they would not vote for President Franklin D. Roosevelt or vice presidential candidate Harry Truman in the electoral college but would cast their ballots for Virginia Sen. Harry Byrd instead.

Roosevelt, appearing before a crowd of more than 100,000 at Chicago's Soldier Field, heaped scorn upon his Republican opponents for attempting to embrace New Deal policies. Roosevelt also made a strong bid for business support by supporting reduced taxes to help create post-war jobs.

The public demand for socialized medicine is so strong in California, and probably in the United States as a whole, that it is useless for doctors to fight it, said a survey sponsored by the doctors themselves. Socialization was inevitable, the report said, unless doctors established a system that would give everybody as good or better medical care for a small monthly fee than could be expected under a government setup.

Survivors of the carrier USS Princeton, sunk in the great naval battle of the Philippines, told how they swam for four hours in shark-infested water before being picked up. More than 1,300 officers and men survived the ordeal. Japan lost 58 ships in the battle, including four carriers and two battleships.

Singer Kate Smith was inviting listeners of WDBJ radio to tune into a new comedy show that was running an hour before her own show, ``The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.''

Weak and hungry after hiding in the woods for five days, a 21-year-old German war prisoner who escaped while picking apples in Coyner Springs, gave himself up.

Allied columns overtook the retreat of the last 10,000 German troops from Southwest Holland at the River Maas and poured a torrent of shellfire into their escape bridges.

Strong feelings between school administrators in Montgomery County and parents broke out in fisticuffs between E.G. Shortt, principal of Blacksburg High School, and H.D. Ussery, a PTA official. The fight occurred in Shortt's office after Ussery told Shortt it would be in the best interest of the school if he resigned.

 by CNB