Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, November 3, 1994                   TAG: 9412230082
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Five Junior Miss programs - Franklin County, Roanoke County, Bedford County, Vinton and Salem - will hold a joint competition to select their representatives for the state program. The competition will be Monday at William Byrd High School at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 and may be purchased at the door .

Twenty-two young women, including two sisters, will compete for cash and college scholarships in three on-stage categories: physical fitness, presence and composure, and creative and performing arts (talent). Two categories will be judged in advance - scholastic and panel evaluation. The five winners will advance to state competition in March 1995.

Those representing Salem are:

Brandi Downor, daughter of John and Karen Downor, who will present an instrumental solo.

Amy Hale, daughter of Doug and Sue Hale, who will sing.

Jessica King, daughter of Charles and Mary King, a reading.

Kelly Solesbee, daughter of Michael and Mary Ann Solesbee, jazz dance.

Cathy Welford, daughter of Mack and Alice Welford, a monologue.

Representing Vinton are:

Deepa Channaiah, daughter of A.C. and Jaya Channaiah; Indian dance.

Nanda Channaiah, daughter of A.C. and Jaya Channaiah; Indian dance.

Wendy Hayden, daughter of Tom Hayden and Sharon Stuckey, piano.

Sara Ivey, daughter of Henry and Susan Ivey, dance.

Chastity Vandergrift, daughter of Gary and Charlotte Vandergrift, piano.

Representing Roanoke County are:

Trimble Bailey, daughter of Mike and Denise Bailey, piano.

Christina Sluder, daughter of Catherine Sluder and the late Edward Sluder, baton routine.

Jennifer Cook, daughter of Dennis Cook and Ellen Hatcher, sing.

Brandy Land, daughter of William and Carol Land, sing.

Mandy Smith, daughter of Forrest and Debi Seagle, dance.

Representing Franklin County are:

Heather Crowe, daughter of Susan Rourke and Thomas Crowe, jazz pointe dance.

Malinda Layman, daughter of Ben and Sandra Layman, piano.

Tamara Payden-Travers, daughter of Jack and Christine Payden-Travers, monologue.

Crystal Wray, daughter of David and Kathy Wray, tap dance.

Representing Bedford County are:

Amy Bragg, daughter of Kevin and Carolyn Lilly, comedy skit.

Misty Dunford, daughter of Wayne and Victoria Dunford, monologue.

Angela Sardena, daughter of Robert and Deborah Hill, dramatic interpretation.

 by CNB