Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, November 5, 1994                   TAG: 9411070040
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: NEW CASTLE                                 LENGTH: Medium


The preliminary hearing for the 43-year-old Pilgrims Knob man accused of killing and dismembering his wife, then burying her in the woods in Craig County, was continued Friday because the defendant changed his attorney.

Dan Richard Grigsby, who is charged with first-degree murder, had been represented by court-appointed attorney J. Harold Eads. But Thursday, Grigsby retained Carl McAfee, a nationally known Norton lawyer whose career has thrust him into international events and at one time made him the target of a drug investigation.

In 1960, McAfee helped negotiate the release of Francis Gary Powers, the U-2 spy plane pilot shot down over the Soviet Union. More recently, in 1988, he was convicted of helping an accused drug dealer who was his client launder money. He spent three months in prison and lost his law license, which was reinstated several months after his release.

McAfee's representation has added one more angle to a case that has captivated much of Western Virginia since midsummer.

On July 19, Grigsby told authorities his wife had disappeared from a West Virginia shopping mall. His claim initiated an investigation by West Virginia and Virginia state police. Grigsby offered a reward for his wife's return.

Nearly three months later, police found the unrecognizable remains of Dolly Grigsby underneath a pile of rocks off Tub Run Road in Jefferson National Forest. That same day, they arrested her husband.

Dan Grigsby's brother, Ken Grigsby, and a friend, Mickey Breeding, also were arrested in connection with the killing. Both were charged with being accessories to the crime and are out on bond pending preliminary hearings.

The preliminary hearing for Dan Grigsby was rescheduled for 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Craig County Courthouse. He is being held in the Botetourt County Jail.

 by CNB