Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, November 11, 1994                   TAG: 9411110033
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Cows, those basic bovine beasts, have recently become so fashionable that, though many of us are not ready to adopt them as pets, we have decorated our homes with countless Hereford-like accessories.

From black-and-white switchplates to clocks and throw pillows, urban cowboys and cowgirls can now feel on the range at home. It's even possible to dress the part. For those sensitive to political correctness or animal rights, synthetic look-alike cowhide clothing can turn you into an udder fashion statement.

And what is an ensemble without the proper fragrance? Eau de Cow-Logne, a unisex scent, can turn any suburbanite or city dweller into a western wrangler who blends in with the herd.

Three and three-quarter ounce containers topped with cowhide-print caps are filled with genuine, powdered cow manure. Two-steppers, line dancers and wallflowers need only add water and smear liberally before going out to rustle.

The perfect gift for authentic and part-time cowpokes and ``bossy'' bosses, Eau de Cow-Logne can be ordered from Tongue in Cheek in Tampa, Fla., by calling (800) 332-KISS.

Available in classic brown only.

 by CNB