Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, November 12, 1994                   TAG: 9411140071
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: RADFORD                                LENGTH: Medium


In a final piece of business left over from the summer's abrupt departure of longtime Radford University President Donald Dedmon, new guidelines for use of the president's discretionary fund were adopted this week by the board of visitors.

Dedmon left in June amid faculty allegations that he had misused the fund, as news emerged of a state whistle-blower audit into the fund. Dedmon had repaid more than $2,800 to the state in 1993 for personal expenditures from the fund but was cleared of intentional wrongdoing. After an additional university audit into the fund last summer, Dedmon repaid another $1,775. Again, he was cleared of any intent of wrongdoing.

The guidelines that had governed Dedmon's use of the fund were sweeping, and the board promised to tighten them. On Thursday, board members agreed that the president still needs broad use of the fund, which pays for such things as presidential entertainment and travel, but they tightened oversight. Now, the board's three-member audit committee will review expenses before they go to the rector, or chairman, of the board for approval.

Radford's fund, budgeted at about $30,000 last year, is financed by profits on campus vending machines. The state allows colleges to use those profits as they see fit. However, most colleges and universities move the discretionary fund out of the public eye and under the control of their private foundations.

But Radford's foundation is fairly new and doesn't generate enough money to sustain such a fund.

"I think, long-term, we'd like to move in that direction," said Charles King, Radford's vice president for finance. "But at this time, we just cannot afford it."

STORY radford side TOPIC radford uni KEYWORDK AUTHOR:allisonblak11/12/94 3



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