Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 16, 1994                   TAG: 9411160173
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


USAir, pilots to resume talks

NEW YORK- USAir and pilots union leaders plan to resume negotiations today and have agreed to reach within 30 days a new contract that would save the company hundreds of millions of dollars.

Talks between Arlington, Va.-based USAir and the Air Line Pilots Association broke down last month after the airline said it would sell its biggest airplanes and pilots said those plans must be dropped. The company wouldn't say whether it is still seeking to sell the aircraft.

Former Virginia Gov. Gerald Baliles, who was brought in to help facilitate the talks, also will work with the new negotiations.

- Associated Press

Va. Power to buy West Virginia plant

MOUNT STORM, W.Va. - Virginia Power plans to buy an 80-megawatt power plant - the North Branch Power Project - in Grant County for about $27 million, company spokesman William Byrd said.

Richmond-based Virginia Power already buys 77 megawatts from the plant, which uses a mix of low-quality waste coal and higher grade coal, he said Monday.

The plant cost $150 million to build, Byrd said. ``As often happens, that investment is not recoverable.''

N.B. Partners, the project developer, has been trying to sell the plant since 1992, shortly after the plant began operating, Virginia Power said.

Virginia Power also plans to pay $1.8 million to buy out a coal contract and to pay other costs.

- Associated Press

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